Last Updated: 10/09/1998
Grug's TI-92 Page
Welcome to another TI-92 page.......This page is always under construction!!!!
The TI-92 is probably the best calculator (or as Texas Instruments refers to it "The  power of a computer lab with the independance of a calculator") available.  I replaced my TI-81 with one a while ago because I started to stretch it to its limits.  I am not saying that in any way the TI-81 is limited (well apart from the fact that it doesn't have a link port).  Actually if you are looking for a cheap calculator which will do all of your scientific calculator functions, some extra statistics, graphing, and programming then this is the calculator to buy (It runs rings around the graphic calculators that the school recomended).  If you are looking for something with a few more features go for the TI-83 (and skip over the TI-82), if you are looking for something more powerful but don't have the money for the TI-92 either buy the TI-85 or spend a little bit more and get the TI-86.
TI-92 Programs and Related Files
There are many links to ofher TI-92 sites on the web but inevitably some will go down..... Hopefully I will be able to look at most of them regularly and fix my page accordingly.  If any of these pages are down or you have any questions PLEASE E-MAIL ME!
TiCalc.Org: A comprehensive site worth looking at!
Texas Instrument's own TI-92 site (Useful information here)
The TI Memory Expander Page
Fractals on the TI-92 (Self Explanatory)
Josh Wardell's TI-92 Page (Lots of Links, Programs, and Information here)
Cynox (English) homepage, these people sell calculators of different types and have a good price scaling for all those people who have been asking me about prices.
Electronic Repair Tips: Extremely useful site for technicians or anyone looking to fix something, they have a wealth of tips and their information has helped me with many problems.
People have visited this page since 16/12/1998
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