The Disturbed Web Authoring Tutorials   [ H T M L ]   The Disturbed Web Authoring Tutorials
[ T u t o r i a l s ]

[ H T M L ]
[ C S S ]
[ D H T M L ]

[ T i p s ]

[ D e s i g n ]

[ M i s c ]

[ A d d  L i n k ]
[ A d v e r t i s e ]
[ F e e d b a c k ]
[ C o n t a c t ]

[ H o m e ]

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Lesson One

Whats this HTML I hear about?

HTML is the language that you use to program a web page. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. HTML documents (web pages) can be viewed in a Browser. You are currently viewing this page through a browser, most probably Microsoft's Internet Explorer, or Netscape's Navigator. The two browsers mentioned are not the only two browsers available, but they do hold the market share.

The World Wide Web is made up of millions of HTML Documents. If there were no HTML Documents, then there would be no World Wide Web. And all you need to program a HTML Document is a simple text editor, like Notepad if you are running Microsoft Windows or NT. HTML is a very simple programming language to learn. It is made up of tags. A tag consists of a pointy left bracket (<), then the tag name, and then a pointy right bracket (>). Tags usually come in pairs, the only difference between them is that the second tag has a forward slash (/). The example of a tag pair is to make some text bold. Any text inbetween the tags will turn bold.

<B>This text should be bold</B>

Nearly all of the HTML Tags come in pairs, although there are some that sit by themselves. They will be introduced in the upcoming lessons.

Last modified Thursday 27 January 2000
© 1999 - 2000 Paul Woods
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