The Disturbed Web Authoring Tutorials   [ H T M L ]   The Disturbed Web Authoring Tutorials
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Lesson Two

The Bones of the web page

As stated in the last lesson, web pages are made up of tags. In this lesson, you will learn which tags are definatly manditory for any web page (well almost every web page, you will learn more about the others in Lesson 10). These are required otherwise the browser will not read the page properly, and your web page will not look like it is supposed to.

I will list all the tags that are manditory, then explain each one by one


Insert Page Title Here </TITLE>

Insert Page Text and Tags Here


Absolutly EVERYTHING that you program into your web page must lie between the <HTML></HTML> tag pair, otherwise it will not be recognised by the browser, and all your hard work would have been for nothing. So remember to place everything in between them.

The <HEAD></HEAD> tag pair is commonly known as the header. Things that appear in the header are the <TITLE></TITLE> tag pair, and <META> tags (explained in later lessons). If you type normal text into the header, it will not appear on the page in a when viewed in a browser.

In the top of your broser window is the title bar. You can change the text that appears in the title bar using the <TITLE></TITLE> tag pair. Everything that you type in between those two tags, will appear in the title bar

The <BODY></BODY> tag pair is probably the most important tag pair in a web page after the <HTML></HTML> pair. The Body of the document, which it is refered to as, is where all the text that you want to appear on your web page, and all the tags that minipulate the text, add images and links etc must go. Almost everything mentioned in this tutorial in later lessons must lie in the body. If it doesn't, then you will be told so.

There you go, the manditory tags, or the bones of your web page. You now are ready for lesson 3.

Last modified Thursday 27 January 2000
© 1999 - 2000 Paul Woods
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