The Disturbed Web Authoring Tutorials [ H T M L ] The Disturbed Web Authoring Tutorials
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Lesson ThreeFormatting TextBefore we begin this lesson, it is assumed that you have a basic knowledge of your preferred browser, and a basic text editor like notepad. If you have time, i recommend that you download a program called Edit Plus. It combines a simple text editor, and the browser into one package, making it faster to create your webpages. You can download it from HereFirst of all, open up your text editor, and then copy in the manditory tags from the last lesson. <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Insert Page Title Here </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> Insert Page Text and Tags Here </BODY> </HTML> If you like, replace the text between the <TITLE></TITLE> tag pair. Save the document as index.htm, and then open that file in your browser. It should display Insert Page Text and Tags Here because that is what is in the body of the document. Look towards the title bar. Your own title should be there. Now we start on making your page look like you want it to. Open up the index.htm file in your text editor again, and then in the body (between the <BODY></BODY> tag pair), type some text, then hit enter, and type another line of text. Save the file and open it up again in your browser. (from now on i will not tell you to save and open up the browser again because it is awfully repeditive) Notice how the text is all on one line. Wait a minute, but in the file it is two lines. This is where I introduce you to your first tag that is not a pair, it is called the Line Break and it looks like this, <BR>. Place this after the first line in your document and then look at it in the browser. Now your lines should be separated!! Now we start the presentation formatting. To make some of the text bold, place what you want to be bold in between the <B></B> tag pair. Please note that this will only work when used in the body of the document (this applies to everything in this lesson). The same principle used for making things bold can be also used to make things italic, underlined, superscript, supscript, and struck out. The tag pair <i></i> is used to make text italic, <U></U> to make text underlined, <SUP></SUP> to make text superscript, <SUB></SUB> to make text subscript, and <STRIKE></STRIKE> to make text Now that we have covered that, lets talk about making the text different sizes. This can be achieved by using the heading tag pairs. A list of the heading tag pairs, and the result in using them is below <H1></H1> This is H1<H2></H2>This is H2<H3></H3>This is H3<H4></H4>This is H4<H5></H5>This is H5<H6></H6>This is H6Now you can play around with your text sizes, and make headings for your text!!This dosn't really do anything to text, but it fits in here. It is the <HR> tag. Here is what it does. Are you impressed, i hope you are. The Horizontal Rules come in very handy in separating your information into sections on your site. I know you want to learn one more thing before the next lesson, so here it is, the <CENTER></CENTER> tag pair. As the tag suggests, this centers the text in between the pair. The special thing about the <CENTER></CENTER> tag pair is that it not only works for text, but it also can center images, which will be discussed in Lesson 5 Thats it for the moment on fomatting text in your web page, now it is time for Lesson 4. |
Last modified Thursday 27 January 2000
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