The Truth about Women in Islam by Katie Goemaat Equality between the sexes was outlined in the Qu'ran (the Muslim's Holy Book) 1500 years ago, when women were given the right to vote among other rights such as abortion (when necessary), ownership of property, divorce, education, and others. They were never condemned in the Qu'ran as women were in the Bible and the Torah. (Women in the United States did not get the right to vote or own property until only a few decades ago!) Women in Islam also have many obligations both to their family and society. Spousal abuse, issues about the veil, and non-Muslim laws in countries where Muslims live, obscure the truth about Islam. Women in the Qu'ran are not only portrayed as equal to men, but they are also given much honor. "The Prophet [Muhammed] was asked: 'Who should you honor and befriend the most?' He replied: 'Your mother, then your mother, then your mother, then your father'" 1- Other sayings of the Prophet include, "Heaven is at the feet of mothers," "The best of you are the kindest to their wives and I am your best to mine," and "Women are the siblings of men. 2- The teachings of Islam say that men and women complement each other, and care and espect for each other's strengths and weaknesses. "Men are protectors and maintainers of women because Allah has given the one more strength than the other, and because they upport them from their means." (Surah an-Nisaa:34) 3- In addition, the Qu'ran includes both men and women in every phrase, positive or egative. "For Muslim men and women, for believing men and women, for devout men and women, for true men and women…and for men and women who engage much in Allah's praise-For them all has Allah prepared forgiveness and great reward." (33:35) 4- The Bible, on the other hand, condemns and disgraces women. 'No wickedness comes nywhere near the wickedness of a woman…Sin began with a woman and thanks to her we all must die." (Ecclestiasticus 25:19, 24) 5- Another misconception of Islam, is that they condone
female infanticide. It is said that Allah will bestow
6- Many people believe that Islamic law does not allow women to work outside of the home, or even leave the house. This is very far from the truth. Rather it encourages them to stay at home and care for the family, but in no way prevents them from leaving their house. Just as women in the U.S., they can go to the mosque, go out to dinner, work outside the home, etc. Women can work at any profession that they choose including lawyers, doctors, bankers, etc. As long as it does not require them to break Islamic laws (such as being alone with a man she is not related to, unveil herself, or associate around pork, alcohol, or drugs.) 7- Muslim women have had jobs since Muhammed's days, and they continue to have important ones now. In the first days of Islam, the wife of the Prophet Mohammed, Ayesha, lead an army of 300,000 soldiers. 8- The current prime minister of Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto
has held her position since 1988. Turkey is also led by a female Muslim
prime minister, Tansu Ciller who was elected in 1993. In the U.S., we've
never even had a female president. In Islam, the usual job of the woman
is to be the guardian of her husband and children as much as he is the
guardian of her. This is a tough job, and is considered real work. The
only difference recognized is where she works, inside the home, or outside
of it. Women are also not exempt from religious practices, as Judaic women
were. Formerly, Jewish women were not even allowed to be educated from
the Torah. Muslim women have always observed prayers, fasting, the pilgrimage
to Mecca, religious holidays, and modest behavior.
9-. (As her husband's, brothers, and father's is not a gender thing.) She is a devoted mother and wife, attending first to her family's needs. Though she can work out side the home, she would never abandon her family, for that comes second in her life (Allah being first and foremost.) 10- Allah recognizes the strengths and weaknesses of men and women, which is why he can declare them equal. He knows that children are best cared for by their mother, that is why women are encouraged to work at home. And since it is the duty of the husband (as ordained by Allah) to love, maintain, and protect his wife, that woman has the assurance that she will be cared for and does not need to work, but can stay home and take care of her family, if she wishes. 11- But Allah also knows that she is taking care of her family by providing finances, so working outside the home is permitted with Allah's blessings. Muslim women are also given all the rights that men have in the issues of marriage and divorce. A woman has the right to choose whom she marries without pressure from her family (especially from her father.) Non-Muslims often depict Muslim women as being forced into unwanted marriages to men twice their age. But that is not the case at all. A woman can refuse any marriage proposal. She can also divorce her husband if he is not fulfilling her needs in any way, whatever those needs may be, because an Islam marriage is based on mutual responsibilities to one another. 12- (In addition to love.) Another Western belief is that man can divorce his wife simply by saying "I divorce you" and leaving her without any income or care. That is also not true. A man or a woman can divorce their spouse any time by saying "I divorce you" but following that is a 3 month waiting period so that the couple can think about what they are doing. After that the woman has just as much of a right to remarry as the man. 13- Also they must wait to make sure the woman is not pregnant, and during this time period the man must still provide clothes, food, shelter, money, and everything else for his wife and his children. 14- He cannot just leave and take the children, because
(contrary to common belief) he does not own his wife OR his children.
15- Islam men and women must understand their rights as outlined in the Qu'ran. In the case of the argument when a man is sure that it is the woman who is being disobedient, there are very clear instructions on what to do. First, a peaceful discussion should be held, to get rid of all misunderstandings, then the husband should tell his expectations in a "firm, decisive manner." If neither works, the husband should stop engaging in sex with his wife, a punishment to them both for not being able to resolve their differences. If that also fails, husband and wife use others to represent them and try to come up with a solution (much like Quaker peer mediation.) As a last resort, only to prevent divorce, the husband is allowed to use a "light slap on hand or shoulder but not on any other part of the body, and it shouldn't leave a mark or scar." 16- This is outlined very clearly in the Qu'ran and Sunnah…that is the ONLY time that a man may touch his wife with a negative intent. "How does anyone of you beat his wife as he beats the stallion camel and then he may embrace [sleep with] her?… (Sahih Al-Bukhari, op.cit., vol.8.hadith 68) 17- One of the most important aspects of Islam, and the most degraded by non-Muslims, is that of modesty and the veil. Muslim women who wear the veil are not subordinate to their husbands. It has nothing to do with man's authority over women. Men also must observe laws of modesty. They must cover themselves from navel to knee in front of everyone except for their wife. 18- The clothing should also not be tight or "provocative" and men are mot permitted to wear silk of gold, though women are allowed to wear both of these. As stated in the Qu'ran…"Say to the believing man that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that will make for greater purity for them; and Allah is well acquainted with all that they do." (24:30-31) 19- Modesty and the veil (hijab) is only practiced for the purpose of protecting all women. "The Islamic Philosophy is that it is always better safe than sorry." 20- The Qu'ran is so concerned with protecting women and their reputations that men who (falsely) accuse women of adultery or immodest behavior are punished severely. "And those who launch a charge against chaste women, and produce not four witnesses- Flog them with eighty stripes; and reject their evidence ever after: for such men are wicked transgressors" (24:2) 21- The Islam religion recognizes that men who are not holy or who do not obey the laws of Allah will rape and abuse women, so it is necessary to protect them by not offering temptation. Loose clothing and a veil prevent men (that are not her husband, son, father, etc.) from seeing a woman's physical beauty, and therefore desiring her or reducing her to a sex object. The sound morals of Islam do not allow women to be exploited like that. This is expressed very clearly in the Qu'ran. "O Prophet, tell your wives and daughters and the believing women that they should cast their cast their outer garments over their bodies (when abroad) so that they should be known and not molested." (33:59) 22- In other words, modesty is their protection. The argument that education and awareness (not modesty) prevents assault does not work for Muslims. In the U.S., there is a "walk-home service" for female students at Queens University and most women won't walk along the street alone at night. 23- So obviously education has not been a suitable answer to the problem. In a study conducted in Canada it was found that 1 in 3 women will be sexually assaulted at some point during their lives, and 60% of college-age males said they would commit sexual assault if they knew they would get away with it! 24- Education is just not enough. As unfair as it seems
that women must dress modestly because some men have no self-control, that
is how it is. The evidence has shown that at times men have no respect
or morals and Islam recognizes that. They seek to protect their women through
modesty. That shows how much honor these women have, that their men and
their god (Allah) would make such laws in order to protect them. Many Muslim
women also look at the veil with a sense of pride and dignity..
25- Women who cover their bodies and face know that they are being praised (or hired in the cases of jobs) for their minds and skills than for their physical assets. A Muslima is also making a statement about her identity. Everyone she meets will know that she is a Muslim and has good moral character. 26- These women take pride in knowing that they are chaste, modest women who can accomplish their goals without using their physical appearance to impress men. Whether the veil is necessary has not been the only controversy about modesty in Islam, there are also arguments about how much covering is required. In the days of the Prophet, his wives were considered "Mothers of the Believers," so had to cover their faces so that men would not look at them lustfully. This was not required of other women. 27- The verse in the Qu'ran concerning women's dress is somewhat similar to that of the men. "And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; and that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what must ordinary appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands…" (Qu'ran 24-31-31) 28- The neck, chest, and hair must always be covered, but in some sects it is not necessary to cover the face. The only requirements (other than those coverings) are that the clothes should be loose so as not to show the shape of a woman's body, thick enough so that the color of the skin doesn't show, and should have a modest appearance. Clothes should not be overly shiny so as to draw attention, and should not reflect those of the non-believers. 29- These laws were made not only to guard the modesty
of the people, but to protect them. The fact that Islam makes such laws
is not to be oppressive towards women, but rather to elevate their status.
It shows how much they honor their women (and their morals), somewhat more
than other religions. Another reason why Islam is so degraded is because
many non-Muslims confuse
30- These are Hindu practices mixed in with the religion of Islam, NOT true Islam. Women are also not allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia! Allah (as interpreted by the Prophet) would never condone such a law. And the most horrific of these tribal laws is that of female circumcision. Islam law does not allow for any torture of women, and yet this is practiced in Sudan, Algeria, and Egypt, (this is african treat not islamoc) all in the name of Islam. 31- Women are suffering in all types of ways, just because
they are not educated in the true nature of their religion. The point is
that Islam is unfairly condemned as an oppressive religion. That is not
the case at all, it emphasizes the good behavior of it's people (especially
women) yet doesn't oppress them. The actual scripture of the Qu'ran honors
women, gives them rights, and seeks to protect them. No other religion
does all of that. The Judaic religion oppressed women and didn't allow
them to read the Torah, and the Bible blamed women for all the evils of
mankind. From the very beginning, Allah proclaimed men and women to be
absolutely equal because their strengths and weaknesses complement each
other. Islam has been a religion much condemned for its' treatment against
women, but it is important to remember that the religion of Islam does
not allow for the mistreatment of women. It is the people who are not educated
about their own faith that abuse women and take away their God-given rights.