Welcome to teh new internets.
All your base are belong to us.

Hi, I'm Matty /<. Unfortunately this website isn't very exciting, and is currently lacking pretty pictures, groovy layout, or even colour. The simple fact of the matter is, I don't care anymore. Over the years I have accumulated several chunks of space on teh internets, and typically I put quite a bit of effort into them for a little while, then I move on to another chunk.

That had happened here at GeoCities, so I decided rather than simply let the site slide into stale oblivion, I'd make it worth my time coming to visit and occasionally update. To this end I've simplified the site back down to basics, and am planning on doing so with my other sites. That way, I'll glance at them and say, "Oh my gods, what a boring website. I should play around with it a bit."

In case you're wondering, the other spaces I occupy are these:

There may be others, but I forget.

The only sections I will maintain (or rather, not remove) here at GeoCities are the Poetry Anthologies, because there are heaps of things there, and I might as well keep some content on the site.

So that's it, this is my site.

One of the hompages of Matty K (aka Matty /<, mÄtT¥·/<, or Matthew Kerwin). Matty K MattyK Matthew Kerwin