YouTube User Site Downloader

Youtube is not a reliable place to watch video.Some video are slow to watch in HQ or HD at some hour of the day.The best way is to downlload it to you hardisk.This is expecialy true for the HD content, becouse not all computer are fast enough to watch it online with the FlashPlayer.

Which program to use to download Youtube video?

How this programe work. Via Youtube server it is posible to get upto 999 video files from one user. All the video from that Youtube user are visualise in one alfalbetical list. And can be selected to be download.

  1. Download the zip file.
  2. Extract it to a empty folder
  3. Start theYouTubeSiteDL.exe file
  4. This is how the programe look like. YouTube User Site Downloader
  5. Enter the youtube user name
  6. Press button ' Download video list'
  7. The program will download all the video list from the YouTube user. This may take a few second.
  8. Select each of the individuals video we want to download. Or press 'Select all' button if we want to download everything.
  9. Select where we want to place all the downloaded files.
  10. Select the video type file. You can leave it in the default setting (HD).If HD not available it will download HQ. IF HQ is not available then it will download SD.
  11. press 'Start Download'
  12. The program start downloading the files one by one.
  13. Download time can be long. It all depend on your internet connection, youtube server load and the total file size you are downloading.1.5 hour youtube HD video is about 1 to 2 GBytes in totall size. Make sure you have enough harddisk space before downloading.

I have tested on XP with SP2/SP3 and vista.

After you download the all the mp4 files you can watch it with VLC media player. Place it in the playlist for easy watching it as one part! In de menu Playlist,Show playlist, add directory. It is also posible to save the playlist for later resused.

It is also posible to burn the mp4 files to DVD. So you can watch it on your TV. Use the free version like

The HQ version is Ipod and IPhone compatable. For other player you must convert it with free

Known issues:

It may take upto 2 day after YouTube video release that the file will be shown in the list.(YouTube limitation)

When downloading is in progress and the program is closed, then the present incompleate video file is not deleted as it should be.