Cheryl's Gratuitous Web Stuff!

Cheryl is beautiful!

Welcome to a special section of the CherylSoft web site. While most of the site is dedicated to lean, quick-loading, text-heavy pages, this section gratuitously abuses graphics, multimedia, plug-ins, style sheets, cheesecake drawings, and other junk. Everything that made you go "ooh, ahh" the first time you saw them. Except no kittens.

If you have a nongraphical browser, go back and read some of the other stuff. On the other hand, if you have a newer browser but have graphics off, I've placed generous ALT tags, so you can still get around.

You need a faster internet connection than the one I have to enjoy this section. Ha!

Hey! Don't forget to use the GeoGuide to rank my site and sign my guestbook! I crave feedback!

Bill of Gratuitous Fare

Fun and Games

This stuff is fun and mesmerizing. "Gadgets" are courtesy of GeoCities! I chose a few that I particularly liked:

Trivia Games

QuickTime Movies

Okay, this stuff appears in another section, but it's in the spirit of the whiz-bang. Check it out! All original material!

Cheryl Look Alike Contest

Most gratuitous of all, the Cheryl look-alike contest! Hey, if Lara Croft can have look-alikes, why can't we?

Other Phun Pages

Hear the good word! Or, at least, hear Craig's voice and learn a bit about what's going on here (as if we'd know).

While this section is toungue-in-cheek, many web pages just don't know better. Check out a list of most annoying things on the web.

Just what you need! Check out some links to kitsch.


First there was JennyCam. Now it seems everybody has one. Well, almost. Craig gives you the lowdown with PseudoCam.

Can we get any more shameless? Check out the sexy bikini calendar.


Plugin Frenzy


QuickTime Showcase

Dixie Chicks : The official web site uses Flash animation in quite a heavy-handed manner. If you dig the Chicks be sure to take a look-see.

Frivolous Fun

Foobar.com : You've gotta envy the domain name (especially if you've ever tried computer programming). If you don't know what "foobar" means, don't bother clicking to it. There's actually some neat stuff there, including fashon-style photos.

Gennifer Flowers : Quite arguably the President's most adorable ex-girlfriend, Gennifer has put together a very interesting site. Government paranoia? Skip the X-Files and check this out. There's all sorts of goodies here, from sexy photos (if you're into middle-aged blonde babes) to a useful set of links to government sites to "Dear Gennifer" (love advice!?) to the creepy Clinton Body Count (people the First Family knew who died mysteriously - and the list is long). You can even listen to her sing! Drop in and look for evidence that she once forgot that she isn't Marilyn Monroe.