RGB Compression. A color image usually consists of highly correlated RGB components which are unable to be differenciated by a human’s visual capability. An 8-bit color table, i.e., a maximum of 256 colors, is often good enough to make a decent color image presentation. A RGB compression is a mapping of a 3-d color space to a 1-d color index image. It provides an effective way to reduce the original image size for efficient image presentation and comunication. The XBit’s command rimage gisoc is a useful tool to conduct a RGB compression. The simpliest syntax of this command is 

rimage gisoc -in inputImage -out outputImage -nc nColors

The following images show six color index images in 256, 128, 64, 32, 16 and 8 colors. All images are compressed from a 24-bit RGB image by the command rimage gisoc. The total number of colors in the original 24-bit RGB image is 23695.

256 colors

128 colors

64 colors

32 colors

16 colors

8 colors

The raw image can be downloaded from the zip file pea.zip. The original results were in DIB format and can be download from the zip file peabmp.zip.   Note: pea256.bmp was created with a request of 256 colors, but the  resulted image only got 202 due to merging processing controlled by the default excluding parameter.