Analysis and Design 920-Systems Analysis and Design is a depth course that covers analysis and design phase of the Systems Development Life Cycle. It uses the systems approach (like James Martin or Yourdon's ) in a detailed analysis and design of a large business or government computer system. It considers the determination of user requirements. Design methodologies like DFD'S, ERD's are introduced. Input, output, and process design is covered for interactive event based systems. This is a project intensive course. 921-Object Oriented Analysis, Modeling and Design is a depth course covering analysis and design phase of the software development life cycle. It will use one of the popular object oriented methodologies like those of Coad or Rumbaugh. The course would introduce conceptual tools like patterns, strategies, and scenarios for analysis and design. The selected methodology would be applied on the modeling of a real life system which would be implemented in a later programming course. |
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