
Computer Science

  • Applied Computer Science


      Applied Computer Science Courses


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Formal description of languages, lexical analysis, syntax analysis, syntax- directed translation, run-time system management, code generation, code optimization, compiler-building tools. Emphasis on theoretical aspects of parsing context-free languages, translation specifications and machine-independent code optimization. Reviews of grammar and languages; lexical and syntax analysis; topdown and bottom up techniques; code generation; table optimization and organization; practical assignments. Student will write a compiler for a selected language during this course.


Database Management Systems


Random, indexed, sequential, inverted and multilist file structures, file processing and database processing concepts. Relational, network, and hierarchical data models. Data security. Data integrity. Storage, search and retrieval of data programming assignment. Covers design and implementation of commercial application software systems. Concepts of organization and management of data and files including file operations and organization of sequential access, relative access, indexed sequential access, virtual storage access, and multi-key access methods. Concepts of database design and database system implementation. Data models, query processing, database design theory, crash recovery, concurrent control, and distributed databases, object oriented databases.


Operating System



Organization of operating systems covering structure, process management and scheduling; interaction of concurrent processes; interrupts; I/O, device handling; memory and virtual memory management and file management. A survey of the design and implementation of distributed operating systems, both by introducing basic concepts and considering examples of current systems. Topics include communication, synchronization, processor allocation, and distributed file systems.

Basic concepts of operating systems: concurrent process management, virtual memory, file systems, scheduling, and protection. Dos, unix zenix, case studies unix vms dos. And recently developed operating systems such as windows. Window NT.



Data Networks and Communication


Introduction to data communication; communication and internet; problems in the scientific. Engineering and data processing environment; the behavioural basis of data communication; synchronous and asynchronous transmission; baseband and analogue .signaling techniques and channel capacity; modulation techniques. Communication media. Intranet and extranet. Iso-osi network architecture, phsyical, datalink, network, transport, session, presentation and application layers. Local area networks. Wide area networks. Metropolitan area networks. Network topologies. Communication protocols. Collision avoidance policies. Topics include: circuit and packet switching, layered network architecture, ISO Network protocols, performance analysis of data communication systems, flow control and alternate routing strategies and algorithms, various types of networks and their interconnections, and network security and privacy. Additional topics include systems analysis and design, traffic engineering, planning and forecasting methodologies as applied to data communication networks. architecture of interconnected networks, internet addresses and the address resolution problem, internet protocols, the domain name system, the socket interface, the client-server model of interaction, the OSI transport and application support protocols, and the TCP/IP application protocols.


Artificial Intelligence


A survey of current artificial intelligence issues, including search, production systems, knowledge representation, knowledge-based systems, planning, natural language processing, and machine learning. Artificial intelligence programming projects are required. Emphasizes both underlying theory and applications. Topics include knowledge representation, parsing language, search, logic, adduction, uncertainty, and learning. Introduction to the design of systems processing aspects of intelligent behaviour, concept of representation of information, pattern matching; introduction to LISP, PROLOG; network and simple learning, depth first and breadth first searching hill climbing; tools and mechanism for expert systems. Applications using commercially available expert systems; neural networks; vision systems; Neural network concepts; Genetic algorithm ; Applied neural networks and decision trees ; Principles and Application of machine learning in verity of domains ; various machines learning methods


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