Academics |
Rules and Regulations Students at IBA strictly follow the rules and regulations laid down by the administration. These rules ensure the high standard of education at IBA and prepare the students for their practical life. Relaxation from the rules is not granted in any case and disciplinary action is taken against students found to be violating the rules. Students are required to attend regularly all lectures, laboratory sessions, seminars and field work as may be specified for each course in a semester. In case a student accumulates more than the allowed number of absences in any course in a semester, he is awarded "F " in that particular course. The provision of absences is for emergencies such as late comings or sickness during a semester. They cannot be used on the first day of the semester or before hourly/final examinations. Remaining absent on the first day of the semester is considered a serious offence. Also, a very serious view is taken of absences before the hourly examinations/final examinations or before/after holidays.
No leave application is required for availing the allowed absences. Students are allowed to withdraw from one course in a semester if such withdrawal will help the student in improving his performance in the remaining courses. The withdrawal must be sought on a prescribed form, before the third hourly examinations. Withdrawal from a course is not treated as a failure. However, once a student has accumulated more than six absences in any course, he is not allowed to withdraw from that course and is awarded "F". Withdrawal from a course in the summer semester is not allowed after the mid-term examination A student must maintain a minimum G.P.A. of 2.2 on a cumulative basis during his stay at IBA. Any student with a G.P.A. of less than 2.0 is dropped from the rolls of the Institute forthwith. A student securing a G.P.A. between 2.0 and 2.2 is put on probation for one semester. At the end of the semester, he is required to improve his G.P.A. and bring it up to the required minimum of 2.2. If a probationer shows an improvement, but his G.P.A. is still below 2.2 his probation may be extended for another semester. If he still fails to bring his G.P.A. to 2.2 by the end of the next semester he is dropped from the rolls of the Institute. If a student fails to pass certain courses and yet manages to maintain his G.P.A. equal to or above 2.2 he is allowed to repeat and clear the course(s) or substitute(s) (wherever permissible) before the degree is awarded to him. Minimum GPA rules are applied after each semester. The G.P.A. is computed at the end of each semester including summer semesters that a student enrolls in. A student is deemed to have lost good standing if his conduct is found objectionable from the disciplinary point of view. |
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