e-mail: juan_ostos@yahoo.com


Tel 57-1-6433856 home

Cellulars: 300 278 5188, 310 797 0106, 316 306 9863

Personal data:

Date and place of birth: 26.10.1970, Bogotá, Colombia, South America.

Nationality: Colombian.

Gender: Male


·        2004-present. I.T. Master at University of Southern Queensland, distance learning.

·        2005 Computer Science Engineer.  UMB. Bogotá, Colombia.

·        2001 Courses in solar energy and German Language. 1 year. Germany.

·        2001 First workshop Nanostructures in Photovoltaics, Dresden, Germany.

·        1999-2000 Javeriana University, Bogotá, Colombia. Postgraduate studies: Project Management, 1, 5 years.

·        1998 Course in Energy Management. Full Time. 5 Months.

·        1997 Andes University, Bogotá, Colombia. Postgraduate studies: Technology Management, 9 months.

·        1990-1995 Andes University, Bogotá, Colombia. B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, 5 years.

Work Experience:

·        2002 Manuela Beltrán University. Technical Consultant.

·        2001 Worked to construct an automatic optic device to measure solar thin films efficiency. 3 months. Germany. Juelich Research Center.

·        2001 English teacher at High Technology Learning. June and July.

·        1999-2000 Leaded a university group to promote learning of languages.

·        1995-1998. Charged of the electrical engineering division and technology seminars.

I verified UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) machines. Some experience with power plants and electrical installations.

Publications: Article published about food technology problem at Javeriana University’s  magazine.

Languages: English.

Some speak/understand German, French, Italian, and Portuguese, some Japanese, a bit of Chinese.

References: Prof. José Fernando Jiménez Vargas, Uni. Los  Andes: fjimenez@uniandes.edu.co