

[GO UP]     


Software programmer with 4+ years of experience. Possess strong professional skills in software development and  implementation, relational database design and network administration.

  • Strong Visual Basic development skills (3+ years)
  • Experience with MS Windows environment
  • Web applications
  • Databases
  • Object Oriented development experience
  • Microsoft Certified Solution Developer

(Download this resume in MS Word 97 format)

[GO UP]       
  • Primary school: 1980-1987 - city of Botevgrad.
  • High school: 1987-1992 – Technical school of microprocessor technologies with English language teaching in the city of Pravetz (87220); Degree: Computer and microprocessor technician.
  • University degree: 1992-1997 graduated of the Technical University of Sofia; Degree: Master of Computer Science; Specialty - Information Technologies.
  • Additional qualification: 1994-1997 graduated of the Department of Economy in TU – Sofia; Specialty: Banks & Financial Business.
Training & certificates: 
  • Microsoft Courses

    • Programming the Microsoft.NET Framework with C# (2349), January, 2002
    • Mastering Enterprise Development Using Microsoft® Visual Basic 6 (1016), June, 2000
    • Mastering Web Application Development Using Microsoft® Visual InterDev 6 (1017), June, 2000
  • Microsoft Certified Solution Developer

    • Analyzing Requirements and Defining Solution Architectures (70-100), November, 2000
    • Designing and Implementing Desktop Applications with Microsoft® Visual Basic 6.0  (70-176), November, 2000
    • Designing and Implementing Distributed Applications with Microsoft® Visual Basic 6.0 (70-175), November, 2000
    • Designing and Implementing Web Solutions with Microsoft® Visual InterDev 6.0 (70-152), November, 2000
  • Brainbench Certified Professional

    • Visual Basic Programmer;
    • Active Server Pages Programmer;
    • Web Programmer.
[GO UP]       
    MS Visual Basic 6.0 EE [5], MS Visual InterDev 6.0 [4], ASP [4], JavaScript/VBScript [4], HTML 4.0 [4], MS SQL Server 7.0/2000 [3], MS Access 97 [3], MTS [2]
    MS Windows 95/98 [5], MS Windows NT 4.0/2000 [4], MS IIS 4.0 [4]
  • OTHER:
    MS Office 97 Professional [4], MS FrontPage 98/2000 [4], various Internet tools and clients, etc.
Legend: [5]=Expert; [4]=Good; [3]=Average; [2]=Limited; [1]=Some knowledge.
[GO UP]     
VB/SQL Programmer Radiant Telecom Inc., Miami, FL, USA (March 2001 - Present)
  Project: Development and support, MIS department.
VB/ASP/SQL Programmer Manarola Technology Inc., San Mateo, CA, USA (Feb. 2001 - March 2001)


Project: Inter-corporate information system (resource management) The system allows the company managers to check the status of consultants and to allocate to clients' projects those of them who are on bench and possess adequate skills. The consultants can use the system through its web interface to fill-in their time sheets and to indicate their status. Participated in development of the interface of manager's stand-alone program, database-access COM components and partially in the development of the ASP functionality for the web interface.
MIS assistant Regional Initiatives Fund, Sofia, Bulgaria (June 1999 - Dec. 2000)

  • Design and implementation of different reports from MS SQL 6.5 Server using Access 97 report tools;
  • Design and implementation of HTML/JavaScript/ASP solutions for the RIF-IS Web Server (MS IIS 4.0).
  • MS Windows NT 4.0 Server Administrator;
  • Maintenance of LAN with 25 workstations (Windows 98);
  • Training and support of RIF staff in MIS usage;
  • Installation and maintenance of MS Office 97 Professional, Netscape 4.05 browser, MS Windows 98 OS with NetBEUI, TCP/IP and various drivers;
Software developer Corax - Ivo Stoynev, Sofia, Bulgaria (Sep. 1999 - Feb. 2000)


Participation in a project for KPMG - Holland (HPT group).

Design and development of a CBT application consisting of two separate parts - Authoring part (Maestro Organizer) and Client part (Maestro Player). The product was developed for MS Windows 95/98/NT OS with MS Visual Basic 6.

Programmer Virtech Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria (Jul. 1998 - May 1999)


Software development and testing in projects for KPMG - Holland (HPT group).
  • User-defined front-end database utilities (MS VB 5.0, Borland Delphi 3.0);
  • Porting 16bit multimedia presentation software to 32bit OS environment (MS VB 5.0);
  • Web site for the Holland Social Insurance Company, including HTML and MS ASP on MS IIS4 with MS SQL Server database support;
  • Testing and quality assurance (MS VB 5.0, Borland Delphi 3.0).
Assistant System Administrator Research Institute for Irrigation, Drainage and Hydraulic Engineering (Jul.1997 - Sep.1997)


  • Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Server Administrator;
  • Maintenance of LAN with 18 workstations (WFW and W95).

Amer Nielsen Research Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria (Nov. 1994 - Dec. 1995)



  • Design of a Database for the information from the yearly marketing research called "CENSUS".
  • Development of application (under Windows 3.1 operating system using Delphi 1.0) that manipulates the information: adding new records, editing existing records, output of a set of standard reports to screen/ printer (Borland Report Smith 2.0 through DDE).
[GO UP]      
  • Nationality: Bulgaria
  • Residence: Sunny Isles, FL, USA
  • Date of Birth: May 4, 1973
  • Marital Status: married
  • References: available on request

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