
The game i'd like to talk about is Ninja Gaiden. In this game you are Ryu, a ninja on a mission. You start the game with just your sword. There are multiple bad guys that can pose a problem down the road. I personally hate the boxers They always kill me and there is nothing i can do. You can get multiple weapon upgrades by hitting the lamps or other objects in the background. The first boss you will encounter is a big street thug that has a huge sword. The best tactic to beat him is to climb the wall and wait until he comes close so you can jump behind him and beat him to death with your sword. The next stage , you are in a warehouse sort of thing that has a lot of thugs in it. Bats now pose a problem whenever you try to jump over gaps. Just make sure that they are all elemated first. You shouldn't have much trouble in this stage but the jumps. After you get out of the warehouse you are outside on top of a castle like structures. The jumps get very hard because there are ghouls that throw knives and army men that either run at you or fire there weapons at you. Be careful when you decide to jump because enemies can come back if you go backwards first. After you beat the castle section you have to fight another boss. He isn't that tough just make sure to put a lot of distance between you and him when he attacks. In the next stage you are in the woods. The toughest part about this level is the birds that are very annoying. After that level you go to the ice part of this stage. There are lepards and many army men. The last jump can be difficult because there is a bird that tries to hit you off the ledge when you jump. After you pass the ice stage you get to fight another boss. This boss likes to jump from side to side and throw stars. This boss is one of the toughest because he is hard to keep track of. Just know where he is going to jump and you should be alright.The rest of the game becomes harder and harder but I think you can do it!

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