Welcome to my homepage. Hi, I'm a young guy from Pennsylvania who likes computers and other phun stuff. In my free time, I surf the Internet, go scuba diving, and ride my mountain bike. If you want to know more about me, visit my other little homepage at WBS. WBS is a cool place to chat on the web. It's got a little something for everyone. There are many rooms, and usually about 3,000 people are logged on at any given time. If you are searching for cool Windows wallpaper to download, information on how to protest Internet censorship, or information on how to build a webpage, click on the buttons above. Otherwise, I've compiled a list of interesting sites below..
Heavens Gate! | This is some wild stuff! These pages describe their whole theory on religion. |
Procrastinator's Paradise | If you're a procrastinator like I am, you'll love this stuff. Plenty of stuff to occupy your time. Even if you're not a procrastinator, you'll still love it! Includes games, the Death Clock, anagram maker, and many other time-consuming stuffs. |
Other homepages of IUP Mentorship students | Don't worry -- if they don't work, it's THEIR fault, not yours. ;) |
VTW | A great page fighting internet censorship. This is kept up-to-date, lots of information, and lots of links. |
My Windows Wallpaper Page | Wallpapers and other cool pics for download. |
Jumbo.com | Here's another big site. Huge file archive; application programs, the hottest games. 74 chat rooms. Places to go, people to see. |
If you feel like e-mailing me, for whatever reason, you can do so here: