Frank S. Baldwin, of St. Louis, Missouri.
Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 159,244,
dated February 2, 1875; application filed September 8, 1873.
To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that I, Frank S. Baldwin, of
the city and county of St. Louis, State of Missouri,
have invented an Improved Calculating-Machine,
of which the following is a specification:
The object of my invention is to facilitate
the making of complex calculations; and this
object I attain by the use of the machine which
I will now proceed to describe, reference being had to the accompanying
in which -
Figure 1,
Sheet 1, is a side elevation of my improved calculating machine;
Fig. 2,
Sheet 2, a plan view;
Fig. 3,
Sheet 1, a sectional elevation on the line 1 2,
Fig. 2;
Fig. 4,
Sheet 3, a sectional plan on the line 3 4,
Fig. 3;
Fig. 5,
Sheet 4, a transverse sectional elevation on the line 5 6,
Fig. 3,
looking in the direction of the arrow 1;
Figs. 6,
and 9,
detached views of parts of the machine.
The opposite frames A and A' of the
machine are secured to a bed-plate, B, and in
suitable bearings in the same turns a shaft,
D, provided at one end with an operating-crank,
a, and carrying a cylinder, E, capable
of sliding upon, without turning independently
of, the said shaft. (See
Figs. 1,
and 3.)
A spring-slide, b, secured to the side frame A,
is adapted to a groove in the crank a, and,
when thrust into the same, serves to lock the
said crank, and consequently the shaft D and
cylinder, in the position shown in
Figs. 1
and 2.
The cylinder can be turned in either
direction by the crank, but the movement must
commence when the parts are in about the position shown in
Figs. 1,
and 3,
and a complete revolution must be made before the direction
of said movement can be reversed, this being
insured by the device illustrated in
Fig. 6,
which consists of a ratchet or cog wheel, c,
and notched disk c', secured to the shaft D,
and of an anchor-lever, d, hung to the side
frame A'. The lever is acted on by a spring,
d', tending to maintain it in the position shown,
and when in this position the outer extremity
of an arm, e, of the said lever is contained
within the notch of the disk c'. When the
shaft and disk are turned in either direction
the arm e will be forced out of the notch
and against the plain portion of the edge of
the disk, which will vibrate the lever sufficient
to cause one or other of its hooked
arms or pawls e' to engage with the teeth of
the wheel c, and to prevent any reverse movement
of the same, or of the shaft and cylinder,
until a complete revolution has been made.
The cylinder E bears upon the shaft at its opposite
ends only, where it is provided with
hubs f, (see
Fig. 4,)
and to bosses on these hubs, within the cylinder, are fitted the opposite
end of a sleeve, f', which is free from contact
with the shaft, thus considerably reducing
the friction in sliding the cylinder upon the
said shaft, as hereafter described, and which
forms a bearing for a number of adjustable
segments, F, each capable of being freely
turned in either direction upon the said sleeve
to an extent determined by the length of the
slot x in the cylinder, through which its operating-knob
g passes. (See
Figs. 2
and 3.)
Directly opposite each segment F, and adapted
to bearings in the curved face of the cylinder,
and in a segmental partition, g', is a row of
advancing and retracting cog-teeth, h, each
acted on by a spring tending to draw it inward, and arranged to be forced
outward by a cam-like incline, h', at the inner end of the
segment F, when the latter is turned in the
direction of the arrow 2,
Fig. 3,
the plain curved portion of the said segment bearing against
and holding the teeth after their outward
adjustment. There are, in the present instance,
six segments, F, six rows of teeth, h, and six
slots, x, in the cylinder, for the passage of the
operating knobs g; and on one edge of each of
the said slots x, at equal distances apart, are a series
of notches, numbered from 0 to 9, inclusive,
which the V-shaped edges of the shanks of the
operating knobs g, acted on by springs, have
have a constant tendency to enter. There are nine
cog-teeth, h, in each row, and the adjustment
of the knob g to any given numbered notch
indicates that a corresponding number of teeth
have been advanced by a like adjustment of the segment. For instance, the
adjustment of the several knobs to the notches 7, as shown in
Fig. 2,
indicates that the
first seven teeth in each row are advanced, which is seen to be the case in
Fig. 3.
For every row of teeth, h, on the cylinder, and
at opposite ends of the said rows, are two additional teeth, i
and i 1, each of which projects
through a slot in the cylinder, and is secured to or forms
part of a curved arm, i 2, hung
to the interior curved surface of the cylinder,
and acted on by a spring, which tends to constantly
maintain the said tooth in a position
midway between the rows of teeth h, the lateral
adjustment of the said tooth, however,
which is effected in the manner hereafter
described, bringing it opposite the end of the
row of teeth h next that to which it belongs. (See
Figs. 2,
and 4.)
The teeth i and
i 1 are arranged
diagonally, in respect to each other, on the face of the
cylinder; and upon the latter, in line with the said teeth
i 1 and
i 2, and also midway between
the rows of teeth h, are a series of double-inclined
projections, j, for a purpose described hereafter.
The teeth on the cylinder gear into a series
of intermediate wheels, G, arranged to turn
loosely and independently of each other on a
fixed shaft, H, and these in turn transmit
movement to a series of cog-wheels, J, of ten
teeth each, each of which turns independently of the others upon the hub
k 1 of a disk, k,
keyed to a shaft, I, which is adapted to suitable
bearings in the opposite side frames of the machine. (See
Figs. 3
and 4.)
Upon the ten teeth of each of the wheels J
are raised numbers or type from 0 to 9, inclusive,
which can be viewed through a slot
in the casing K, partially surrounding said wheels.
The accidental turning of the several wheels
G is prevented by a series of yielding spring-arms,
L, hung to the fixed frame, and each
provided at its outer end with a roller, l,
which rests between two of the teeth of each of the said wheels, as shown in
Figs. 2
and 3,
and the whole of the said arms may be raised
simultaneously, in order to free the wheels, by
means of a cam-shaft, L', extending beneath
the same, turning in suitable bearings in the
opposite side frames, and provided at one end
with an operating-crank, l'. (See
Figs. 2,
and 5.)
The accidental turning of the type-wheels
J is prevented indirectly by the above-described
spring-arms L, and directly by a bow-spring
k 2, secured to a triangular
projection, m, with which each wheel is provided, and
arranged to bear with its opposite ends against
the recessed edge of the disk k of the said wheel.
There are ten recesses on the edge of each
disk, corresponding with the number of teeth
on the wheels, and the said recesses are of
sufficient depth to retain the ends of the spring,
and thus prevent accidental movement of its
wheel; but the ends of the spring can pass
from one recess to another, and thus permit
the wheel to be turned by the exercise of a slight effort.
The triangular projections m, which are
secured to one side of each of the type-wheels,
serve two other distinct purposes besides that
of sustaining the spring k 2,
and are special features of my invention.
The second duty of the said triangular
projections is to act as cams in forcing a series
of rods, M, toward the cylinder E once for
every complete revolution of their type-wheels
J, the said projections m being fixed to the
wheels in such position that this movement of
the rods shall be caused by the same just as
the number 9 is visible through the slot in the
casing K, the object of which will be rendered apparent hereafter.
The third duty of the said triangular
projections is to serve as stops for their respective
type-wheels by striking against a series of
arms, n, on a rock-shaft, U, having its bearings
in the opposite side frames, the said arms
being turned into the paths of the triangular projections,
as indicated by dotted lines in
Fig. 3,
by the pressure of the thumb or finger upon an operating
handle or crank, n 1, with
which the said shaft is provided at one end,
and being restored to the position shown by
full lines by the action of a spring when the
pressure upon said handle is relieved. (See
Fig. 2,
and 5.)
The rods M above referred to extend
between the several wheels G, and through slots
formed for their reception and guidance in
the fixed shaft H, springs p, secured to the
latter, being adapted to notches in the rods,
and thus determining the extent of their movement. (See
Fig. 3.)
Each rod M, at the end
adjacent to the cylinder, has a double-beveled
enlargement or head, p', (best observed in
Figs. 3,
and 5,)
the said head, when the rod is forced outward by the projection
m, being directly in the path of one of the teeth,
i or i 1,
of the cylinder, and serving, by its beveled
surface, to adjust the same laterally to a position
between the teeth of one of the intermediate
wheels G, and after having performed
this duty the rod M is forced back to its
original position by the pressure against the
same of one of the double-inclined projections
j of the cylinder. Directly beneath the type-wheels
J are a series of larger type-wheels, N,
hung loosely to a shaft, T, which has its
bearings in the opposite side frames, is provided with an
operating-crank, T1, and has a cog-wheel,
T2, near one end, gearing into a wheel,
I', on the shaft I of the type wheels J. (See
Figs. 2,
and 5.)
The arrangement of the type-wheels N is precisely similar to that
of the wheels J, each turning loosely upon the
hub of a disk, q, keyed to the shaft, and each
being held by a bow-spring, q', adapted to
recesses on the edge of the disk as to require
a slight effort to turn it. The disk q has as
many recesses on its edge as the type-wheel
has teeth, and the spring q' is secured to a
block, m', with which each wheel is provided,
and is arranged to bear upon the disk q of the said wheel. (See
Fig. 3.)
The blocks m' also serve as stops to limit the movement of
their respective type-wheels under the circumstances
described hereafter, the stoppage being effected simultaneously with that of
the wheels J1 by arms
n 2 on the rock-shaft
U, which are turned into the paths of the said blocks
m', as indicated by dotted lines in
Fig. 3. The
wheels N are each provided with eighteen
teeth, upon which are formed raised numbers
or type, commencing at 0 at one side of the
wheel; and running in both directions to 9 at
the opposite side, the object of which arrangement
will be hereafter explained. The type-wheels
N are operated one at a time by a lever, Q,
Figs. 1
and 7,
slotted at its fulcrum-point Q1,
and so operated by an eccentric, Q2,
on the cylinder-shaft D that a vibratory movement
shall be imparted to its outer extremity
sufficient to move the type-wheel N to the
extent of one tooth during each revolution of
the eccentric and cylinder, the direction of
the movement of the type wheel depending
upon that of the cylinder, while the position
of the said cylinder upon its shaft determines
which of the said type-wheels shall be operated by the lever.
It is necessary in shifting the cylinder upon
its shaft that the adjustments shall be positive
and to certain determined points, in order
to bring the several sets of teeth of the
said cylinder opposite the teeth of those of
the wheels G, which it is required to operate,
and to effect such adjustment various devices
may be used, two of which are illustrated in the present instance.
Figs. 1,
and 5
the cylinder is embraced by a yoke, R, which slides upon the
shaft D, and upon a rock-spindle, D', adapted
to bearings in the opposite side frames. The rock-spindle is acted on by a
spring, and has an operating-arm, R1, and an
arm, R2, adapted to any of a series
of notches, y,
Fig. 5, in the
said yoke. The spring retains the arm
R2 in the notch into which it is fitted, and
this determines the proper position of the cylinder in respect
to the type-wheels, and prevents its accidental displacement.
Another adjusting device, which I prefer to
that above described, is illustrated in
Figs. 8
and 9.
In this case the shaft D has a screw-thread
cut upon it, to which is adapted a nut,
S, secured to or forming part of the cylinder,
and the hub f at the opposite end of the latter
has a feather adapted to a groove in the
shaft, so that it can slide upon, without turning
independently of, the same. A bolt, S1,
operated by a spring-lever, S2,
serves to lock the hub f to the cylinder under ordinary
circumstances, and when this is the case the
said cylinder must turn with the shaft D; but
by withdrawing the bolt the said cylinder becomes loose upon the shaft,
and can be adjusted upon the same by means of the screw
and nut to the extent required, the thread being
such that one turn of the shaft shifts the
cylinder from one type-wheel to the next with perfect precision.
Before proceeding to describe the operation
of the machine it will be necessary to explain that the first or lowermost
graduated slot, x, in the cylinder, as seen in
Fig. 2,
indicates units, the next tens, the third hundreds, the
fourth thousands, and so on, so that the total
number indicated or set up by the knobs when
adjusted to the position shown will be 777,777.
The type-wheels J and N of the two sets also
indicate units, tens, hundreds, &c., commencing
at the same side of the machine as with the slots x.
I will now proceed to describe the operation
of the parts in making a calculation of the
simplest character, as, for instance, in adding
the numbers 6 and 3 together. The knob g of
the unit-slot x is first turned to the graduation
6, which will adjust the segment F sufficiently
to advance six of the teeth h of the unit row
from the face of the cylinder. The cylinder is
next turned to the extent of one complete
revolution in the direction of the arrow 2,
Fig. 3,
the effect of which will be to turn the
type-wheel J by means of the six advanced teeth h,
and through the intermediate wheel G, to the
extent of six teeth, and to consequently bring
its number 6 opposite the slot in the casing.
Three of the advanced teeth h are next retracted
by turning back the segment F until its knob
g is opposite the graduation 3 in the slot, after
which the cylinder is turned once in the same
direction as before. This will cause the units
type-wheel J to be again turned to the extent
of three teeth more, or until the number 9,
which is the result, appears opposite the slot in the casing.
If subtraction, instead of addition, were to
be performed, the number 6 would be set up
in the same way on the cylinder and type-wheel;
but in the second stage of the operation
the said cylinder would be turned in the
reverse direction, as indicated by the arrow 3,
to the extent of a complete revolution, and the
result in such case would be to turn the type-wheel
J in a reverse direction to the extent of
three teeth, which would bring the number 3
opposite the slot in the casing.
To multiply 6 by 3, which is equivalent to
adding three sixes together, the multiplicand
6 is set up on the cylinder by adjusting the knob g
to the graduation b of the units-slot x,
and thus advancing six teeth h, after which
the cylinder is turned three times in the direction
of the arrow 2, the result being indicated by the
first and second type-wheels, J and J1,
Fig. 4,
while the units type-wheel N,
which is turned to the extent of one tooth for every
single revolution of the cylinder through the
medium of the lever Q, will be turned to the
extent of three teeth, and the number 3 on
the same, which is the multiplier, will appear
through the slot in the casing.
In the above operation one of the carrying-teeth
i on the cylinder is brought into play to
effect an adjustment of the second type-wheel,
J1, to the extent of one tooth, in order to
expose its number 1 as part of the result 18.
This takes place on the second revolution of
the cylinder, and just as the number 9 of the
first type-wheel is brought opposite the slot,
the triangular projection m of the said wheel
then striking the end of its sliding rod M,
Fig. 3,
and forcing the same toward the
cylinder and into the path of the carrying-tooth
i of the units row, the said tooth striking the
beveled head p' of the rod, and being adjusted
laterally by the same, and thus held until it
has turned the second intermediate wheel, G,
and second or tens type-wheel, J1, to
the extent of one tooth. When this has been effected
the rod M is pushed back by one of the double-inclined
projections j of the cylinder, and the
tooth i springs to its original position between
the first and second wheels G. On the third
revolution of the cylinder the result is completed
by an adjustment of the units type-wheel
only by means of the teeth h.
In division, which is the reverse of multiplication,
the numbers would be set up and the
cylinder simply turned in a reverse direction,
as indicated by the arrow 3, the projections j
and heads of the rods M being inclined on both
directions, and carrying-teeth
i 1 being provided
in order to permit such reverse movement.
The machine would be of little service in
making such simple calculations as those
which I have given in order to illustrate its
operation; but it is of especial service in making
complicated calculations, such as multiplying
one long row of figures by another, as
by its aid such calculating can be performed
with accuracy and rapidity. It is in such
calculations that it becomes necessary to shift
the cylinder on the shaft, in order to pass
from units to tens, and thence to hundreds,
&c. For instance, in multiplying 483 by 561,
the number 483 would be set up on the cylinder
by an adjustment of the knobs g to the
graduations 4, 8 and 3 of the hundreds, tens,
and units slots x 2,
x 1,
and x of the cylinder,
the type-wheels being all set at zero. The
first operation would be to give the cylinder
a single turn, which would set up the number
483 on the type-wheels J, and the number 1
on the units type-wheel N. The next step
would be to shift the cylinder one place on its
shaft D, so as to bring its units-teeth h
opposite the tens type-wheel J1, its
tens-teeth opposite the hundreds type-wheel, and its
hundreds-teeth opposite the thousands type-wheel.
This having been accomplished, the
cylinder would be turned six times in the same
direction as before, when the result on the
type-wheels would indicate a further multiplication
of 483 by 60, while the number 61 would
be registered on the lower type-wheels N and N',
Fig. 5.
The remaining step would be to shift the cylinder another place on its shaft,
so as to bring the units row of teeth h opposite
the hundreds type-wheel J2, and then to
turn the said cylinder five times in the same
direction as before, which would be equivalent
to multiplying the number 813 by 500,
and this result added to that already obtained
will be indicated by the type-wheels J, giving
the total result 270,936, the multiplier 561 being
at the same time registered on the lower type-wheels N.
It will be understood that but one lever, Q,
is used to adjust the several type-wheels N,
the said lever being carried from one type-wheel
to the next when the cylinder is shifted upon its shaft.
Other calculations, such as extracting the
square and cube root, may be readily made
by the machine; but the principal object of
the latter is to enable complex calculations
in multiplication and division to be rapidly and accurately made.
After having made a calculation the figures
may be rubbed out, or, in other words, the
type-wheels restored to the position of zero,
by depressing the crank n 1,
so as to adjust the arms n and
n 2 to the position indicated
by dotted lines, and unlock the shaft T, and by
then turning the crank T1 of the shaft. This
will cause all of the said type-wheels of both
sets, through the medium of the gearing
described, to be turned until their projections m and
m' strike the arms n and
n 2 of
the rock-shaft U, which will only occur when the said
type-wheels have arrived at the zero position.
To facilitate this rubbing-out operation, the
spring-arms L, with their rollers, may, if
desired, be elevated from the wheels G by
depressing the crank i 1.
As it may often be desirable to preserve the
results of the calculations made by the
machine, I have combined a ribbon-printing
device with the same, consisting of a frame, V,
hinged to the frame of the machine at t, and
having toggle-joint arms W arranged to
embrace the shaft I of the type wheels, and by
means of which the required pressure against
the exposed numbers on the latter is obtained.
The ribbon is wound upon rollers u and u', and
the paper upon a roller, v.
If desired, the ribbons may be dispensed
with, and perforations be made in the paper by
specially-constructed type secured to or forming part of the wheels.
I claim as my invention -
1. A calculating-machine in which a series
of toothed type-wheels are combined with a
cylinder carrying teeth, which admit of
being adjusted to revolve, or partly revolve, any
one or more of said wheels, substantially as set forth.
2. In a calculating-machine, the combination,
with a series of toothed type-wheels, of
a toothed cylinder, E, capable of being rotated
in either direction, and of being adjusted
longitudinally in respect to the said type-wheels, as specified.
3. The cylinder E, provided with advancing
and retracting teeth, and with adjusting mechanism
for the same, controlled by knobs g, and
having graduated slots x, so arranged that the
position of the said knobs in the same will
indicate the number of teeth advanced, all
substantially as specified.
4. The combination, with the teeth h, of
springs for adjusting the same in one direction,
and of cam-like segments F, for adjusting them
in the opposite direction, and for retaining them
after adjustment, as specified,
Fig. 3.
5. The carrying teeth i, hung to and arranged
to be adjusted laterally on the cylinder,
substantially as and for the purpose set forth.
6. The combination of the cylinder-shaft D,
its cog or ratchet wheel c, and notched disk c'
with the anchor-lever d, acted on by a spring,
all substantially as and for the purpose specified. (See
Fig. 6.)
7. The combination of the cylinder,
screw-shaft D, nut s, and a locking device, whereby
the cylinder and nut may be rotated with the
shaft, or retained while the shaft rotates, all
as and for the purpose set forth.
8. The combination, substantially as
described, of the toothed cylinder E, the series
of intermediate toothed wheels G, and the
series of toothed type-wheels J.
9. The combination, substantially as
described, of the cylinder E, its eccentric
and lever Q with the series of toothed
type-wheels N,
Fig. 7.
10. The disks J, having a frictional attachment
to the shaft, in combination with arms
or stops, adjustable, so as to arrest the movement
of one or more wheels while the shaft is
turning, all as set forth.
11. The combination of the cylinder, series
of carrying-teeth i, and arms M, operated by
type-wheels J, and adjusting the said carriers, as set forth.
12. The rods M, adapted to and arranged to
slide in slots formed for their reception in the
fixed shaft H, between the wheels G.
13. The combination of the said rods M and
their double-inclined heads p' with the
laterally-adjustable teeth i
and i 1 of the cylinder.
14. The combination, substantially as
described, of the said rods M with the
double-inclined projections j of the cylinder.
15. The combination of the said sliding rods M
with the projections m of the type-wheels J.
16. The wheels J, provided with triangular
projections m in combination with the stop n
and arms M, substantially as and for the purpose set forth.
17. The type-wheels J and N, hung loosely
to their shafts, and provided with springs
arranged to bear against the recessed edges of
disks keyed to the said shafts, all substantially
as and for the purpose specified.
18. The combination of the shaft U and its
arms n with the projections m of the
type-wheels J.
19. The combination of the shaft U and its arms
n 2 with the projections
m' of the type-wheels N.
In testimony whereof I have signed my name
to this specification in the presence of two subscribing witnesses.
- Witnesses:
- Wm. A. Steel,
- Harry Smith.
Figures 1,
- See also US Patent 209,416 by Wilgodt Odhner.
- For more information on this calculator, see
The Museum of HP
Erez Kaplan's
calculator site and the
Xnumber Mechanical
Calculator site.
Frank S. Baldwin lived from 1838 to 1925, and, apart from inventing
this type of calculators, made
numerous improvements to calculators for the Monroe Company.
(Image source: G.C. Chase, History of Mechanical Computing
Machinery", Annals of the History of Computing, Vol. 2, No.3, July
1980, reprint of Proc. ACM, 1952)
- This Baldwin Patent was HTML'ized by
Andries de Man from a microfilm copy.
Andries de Man