Welcome to this huge collection of installed Amiga games, ready-to-run
out-of-the-box :-)

Notice that you need to make one assignment to make some of these games
work. The assign is PCD_tmp:, and it is used to make sure that highscore
and games saving works as it should. Just add a line like this to your
s:user-startup file:

Assign PCD-tmp: hd0:my/temporary/directory

Make sure that the directory exists on a non-xfh partition on your HD.
In some of the games I use a giant hack, resetting the machine to make them
work. If your CD-ROM is not called CD0:, then you will have to set the
environment variable PCD to whatever the name of your cd-rom is. This is
NOT required if it is CD0:! If the CDROM is called CDR:, add this to your
s:user-startup file:

Setenv PCD "CDR:"

That should be it, all games are tested and works on my highly expanded
A4000/040, so they should work on most AGA machines. If not, you can
always make a custom script to run them. Many of the games are of course
ECS, and they will work on ECS machines too.

Good luck!

Ps: There are 2700 games in the C64 directory. These can be run with
    e.g. Frodo or Magic 64. Also note the LSD directory under docs/

.oO | Oo.