Practice Profile

A new style of General Practice

Belair Family Health Centre aims to offer the highest quality medical care. Please take a moment to read about the services we provide.

Short waiting times

Most people have better things to do than wait at the doctor’s. We don’t overbook our clinics, and we allow sufficient time with each patient to deal with problems properly. Our aim is to keep surgery waiting times to under 15 minutes.

We do home visits any time

If you are sick during working hours and can’t get in to the surgery we can come out to your house. We also do home visits after hours and on weekends.


Appointments are made by telephoning the surgery during office hours on 8278 8900.


Consultations are booked at 15 minute intervals. If you require a longer time for any reason please let the reception staff know in advance.

Home visits

These are available for patients who are unable to come in to the surgery.  We also visit Kalyra and Bellevue Nursing homes on a regular basis.

Open Before and After Work

Many working people find it difficult to find time to visit the doctor. We are open early on Tuesday mornings at 7.30am and we stay open late on Thursdays. We are often open after 6pm on other weekdays, and we are open on Saturday mornings.

After hours and weekend care

Our doctors live locally and are able to provide after hours care most days. Dr Moxham usually provides this service.

The after hours service is only available to patients of the practice, and there are a few restrictions. You do need to have seen us at least once in the previous year, and accounts must not be outstanding for more than eight weeks. If you are a new patient we ask that you pay the first consultation at the time so the account is settled. Our doctors carry a mobile phone 24 hours a day. To obtain the number however you do need to come in and visit us at least once.

If one of the doctors is not available then you can contact the after hours locum service on
8363 3111.

You may wish to go directly to a public hospital like Flinders or the Royal Adelaide. Alternatively you can visit one of the private casualty services at Wakefield, St Andrews or Ashford. Private hospitals give a discount if you have a referral letter from your GP.

For major injury, chest pain or loss of consciousness, call 000 for an ambulance.

You may then elect to call our after hours number as our doctors may be able to get to the scene before the ambulance and have skills and drugs that are not available on ambulances.

After hours options*

Service                  Gap to pay   Waiting time
Dr Moxham/Dickson        $50          10-15 minutes
Private casualty         $40-$50      30-45 minutes
Locum service            $20          1-4 hours
Public casualty          Free         2-6 hours

* Fees and waiting times are averages.

Telephone consultations

Some problems after hours can be handled with telephone advice. If you would like some phone advice please call our mobile number. (A fee is applicable for these consultations).


We try to provide enough repeats to last until the next appropriate review. There are some medications where repeats cannot be written by law. We discourage prescriptions being written without being seen but in cases where this is appropriate we charge a fee of $5.00

Test results

For most test results, including blood tests and removal of lesions, we ask that you come in personally to discuss the results, even if the tests are negative. If the result is negative or "as expected" the followup consultation will be free (bulk billed).

It is often not appropriate for our reception staff to explain results over the phone as they do not have a medical background. However if you will find it difficult to come back to the surgery for the result please discuss this with the doctor when the test is being performed and we will come to some arrangement.

Health Check

We maintain a preventative health program with regular screening for cholesterol, immunisations, pap smears, prostate checks, skin checks, bone density, blood pressure, breast checks and tests for thyroid and diabetes. Our computerised recall system will generate automatic letters when these checks are due.


A $4.00 discount is given if the account is settled on the day. The Medicare system can be quite confusing, but we find the easiest way is to pay the full amount and have us prepare and submit the paperwork for you. Our computerised system fills in all the forms automatically, and all we require after the consultation is a signature. About three weeks later you will get a refund cheque from Medicare.


Childhood immunisations are provided free (bulk billed). For children please bring the blue book and let the receptionist know that an immunisation is required. We do immunisations any time. We will send recalls when these are next due.

If you are travelling please come in and we will discuss the immunisation requirements for the area you will be visiting. Hep A,B, & Typhoid vaccines may need to be purchased from the chemist.


Our receptionists are Sharon, Jane and Jenny. They are all experienced and are able to help you with most problems.

Dr Jill Dickson

Dr Dickson graduated from Adelaide Medical School in 1960 and has been in full time solo general practice since 1962. She is married to Dr Max Gluyas and has three married children and six grandchildren. She has been living in Belair for thirty four years. Dr Dickson practiced at Netherby until 1995 and opened the Belair rooms in 1985. She has previously been on the Faculty Board of the RACGP and more recently on the Executive of the Southern Division of General Practice, where she has held the portfolio of Consumer Issues. She has a special interest in Women's and Children's health, including shared maternity care. She is a member of the AMA and is vocationally registered.

Dr James Moxham

Dr Moxham graduated in 1993. After completing an intern and resident year he has mainly been working as a locum, dividing his time between city and rural practices. He has been impressed with the style of medical care offered in the country, where the doctor is on call all the time and treats almost everything, and he brings this style of practice to Belair. Dr Moxham is available Monday to Saturday, and does most of the after hours calls. He lives in Glenalta, and is married with two children. Spare time is spent with his family and tending an extensive rose garden.

Dr Max Gluyas MBBS 1957 FFARACS 1975 FANZCA 1992

Dr Gluyas is a Specialist Anaesthetist available to patients of this practice referred for surgical procedures. He combines private practice in all major hospitals with a teaching appointment at the North West Adelaide Health Service. His field includes general and regional (epidural and spinal) anaesthesia, plus a special interest in "neurolept analgesia". This is a combination of sedation and pain relief which can be used with local anaesthesia in doctors', dentists' and podiatrists' rooms. It avoids full general anaesthesia and long hospitalisation.

If you would like to know more…

Please call the surgery during office hours if you would like to know more about our services.

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