
A Software consultant position requiring my proven abilities in databases, creative problem solving, organization, communication and follow through to provide excellent products within time constraints.

Masters in computer science with over three years of experience in Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation & Testing of Client/Server applications using Developer/2000, Pro*C, C, SQL* Forms 4.0/3.0, SQL*Report Writer 1.1, PL/SQL and SQL/ Plus on Oracle 7.x as the database & UNIX DEC/VMS as the operating system.  Extensively wrote Stored Procedures  & Database triggers.

Skill Set:

OS Exposure:          UNIX, DEC-VMS, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 95, MS-DOS
Languages:              C, PRO*C, COBOL, Pascal, FORTRAN 77
H/W Exposure:        IBM compatibles/x86 family, VAX-8350, HP-9000.
Databases:               Oracle 7.0
GUI:                         Developer/2000(Forms 4.5, Reports 2.5), SQL*Forms 4.0/3.0, SQL*Report Writer, PL/SQL
                                 & SQL/Plus.

Areas of Interest:    Development of Client/Server applications using Relational databases & front
                                end tools like Developer/2000.

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