I'm Not Crazy
Yes I'm insane, why do you ask?
Living in your world must be quite a task.
You must conform to the rules, and have no place to hide.
That's why all you sane people commit suicide.
Being insane is is my one saving grace.
I can walk out in public in only garters and lace.
I know you want to join me, but you'll never admit it.
You're afraid of a society that would see you committed.
As I walk down the street yelling,"What can I do?"
I'm not talking to myself, I'm praying for you.
I am not homeless, I have a nice place to live.
Nor am I destitute, I have money to give.
Living insane is easy, you see,
The government takes money from you, and gives it to me.
Don't think I'm ungrateful, and please don't be sore.
I simply pay rent, buy food, and give the rest to the poor.
You sane people have the rich squandering their wealth.
All I must do is take care of myself.
I never had children, you see. I felt it unfair
To bring them into a world in such great despair.
Yes I'm insane, but you sir are crazy.
I look at the world and accept it as hazy.
I don't try to change everything, or make sense of it all.
I don't stifle my emotions so I can stand tall.
And "do right" by the name which my father bore me.
Like my brother and sister and mother implore me.
He was an upstanding catholic, a member of four committees.
So he beat his three children, the man was so witty.
And tell no one of that, we have a name to protect.
Parties to go to and Christmas cards to collect.
The man is dead now let the bad memories die too.
I ask all you sane people, what would you do?
As you ponder that thought, I will escape.
To my world, separate from yours, so open the drapes.
I may be looking in, in the dead of the night.
As you, under the covers, hold your loved one tight.
Don't worry I'm harmless, I just want to see you.
I don't want to hurt you, and I don't want to be you.
So, the next time you see me don't just pass me by.
Pull down your pants and start yelling at the sky.
Do what's in your heart, don't be controlled by your peers.
It's about time you let go of your fears.
And if you see me singing, join me in a few bars.
Or jump up beside me and start playing air guitar.
Or if you feel so inclined, go and climb a tree.
Who knows, if you're lucky, you just may end up like me.
But if you decide not to, I wont let it phase me.
Because I may be insane sir, but I refuse to go crazy.