W. Kandinsky, Sketch for composition II, 1909-1910 Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York
VRML Links
VRML v2.0
VRML and VR on the Web
VR Universe
Weblynx Ultimate Virtual World Library
VRML Site Magazine
- VRML Studio : Collection of VR worlds
VRML Standard V2.0
For easy identification of VRML files, every VRML 2.0 file must begin with the characters:
#VRML V2.0 utf8
The # character begins a comment; all characters until the next newline or carriage return are ignored.
VRML is case-sensitive.
After the required header, a VRML file can contain any combination of the following:
- Any number of prototypes
- Any number of children nodes
- Any number of ROUTE statements
At the highest level of abstraction, VRML is simply a file format for describing objects. Theoretically, the objects can
contain anything -- 3D geometry, MIDI data, JPEG images, and so on. VRML defines a set of objects useful for doing 3D
graphics, multi-media, and interactive object/world building. These objects are called nodes, and contain elemental data
which is stored in fields and events.