My (now out-of-print) book about POV-Ray Macintosh has started to show up at discount book centers, and you may be able to order it on-line from Amazon Books. "Ray Tracing for the Macintosh CD" comes with a Mac OS CD-ROM that has the full POV-Ray Macintosh application & documentation, lots of scenes with sources from professional artists, animated QuickTime movies, an on-line multimedia encyclopedia of POV-Ray keywords, many Mac utility programs, etc. The book starts at an introductory level, giving an overview of ray tracing and 3-D art. It then explains POV-Ray, its language, and starts you building scenes. It has a chapter on advanced scenes, where I completely describe the construction of my "3 Worlds" image:
You can view an animated (750K QuickTime) movie of this scene here.
There is a chapter on creating QuickTime animations, with tips on how to move things around in your scene. There are many example movies on the CD-ROM, and tools to create QuickTime movies yourself. This book covers POV-Ray Mac OS version 2.2, but the techniques and examples in the book carry over to POV-Ray version 3 as well.
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