Calculate the gross pay for an employee. Input the rate of pay, hours worked and the service record in years. When the service record is greater than 10 years, an allowance of $15 is given. Verify that the program works by supplying appropiate test data.

	program PROGFIVE ( input, output );
	var  grosspay, hoursworked, hourlyrate : real;
	     service_record : integer;
	     writeln('Please enter the hourly pay rate');
	     readln( hourlyrate );
	     writeln('Please enter the number of hours worked');
	     readln( hoursworked );
	     grosspay    := hoursworked * hourlyrate;
	     writeln('Please enter the service record in years');
	     readln( service_record );
	     if service_record > 10 then grosspay := grosspay + 15;
	     writeln('The gross pay is $', grosspay )

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