The following program demonstrates passing a record to a procedure,
which updates the record, then prints the updated time.
program TIME (input,output); type time = record seconds, minutes, hours : integer end; var current, next : time; { function to update time by one second } procedure timeupdate( var now : time); {variable parameter} var newtime : time; {local variable} begin newtime := now; {use local instead of orginal} newtime.seconds := newtime.seconds + 1; if newtime.seconds = 60 then begin newtime.seconds := 0; newtime.minutes := newtime.minutes + 1; if newtime.minutes = 60 then begin newtime.minutes := 0; newtime.hours := newtime.hours + 1; if newtime.hours = 24 then newtime.hours := 0 end end; writeln('The updated time is ',newtime.hours,':',newtime.minutes, ':',newtime.seconds) end; begin writeln('Please enter in the time using hh mm ss'); readln( current.hours, current.minutes, current.seconds ); timeupdate( current ) end.