About Me
Name: Tiffany Anne Bateman
Born: Victoria, BC CANADA
Birth date: April 28, 1979
Zodiac sign: Taurus
Height: 5'9 and a bit
Weight: That's for me to know and you to forget
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown

I grew up in a small industrial based town known as Kitimat, BC. It’s a great place for everything outdoors, but it’s definitely not a city. After high-school graduation I lived in Victoria, BC for a year while going to Camosun College. I was just taking any courses to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. I decided that I wanted to make a career in the environmental science field so I then moved to Terrace, BC to attend Northwest Community College. After 2.5 years there I graduated with my diploma in Integrated Resources Management. I then lived in Prince Rupert, BC for a while working in a photolab, being a guide leader and taking a Chemistry course I needed. Now I am back in Victoria. attending Royal Roads University taking the Bachelors of Environmental Science Program.

My hobbies and interests include hiking, yoga, weight training, photography, art, drawing/painting, writing, reading... and one day I hope to learn to play the violin.
Some links I like:
Google (search engine)
Elfwood (fantasy art)
Contact me at:
Name: Tiffany Anne Bateman
Email: nightlily_69@yahoo.com