Classes & Modules

The following selection was made entirely by myself. Some items were based on the works of others, but most or my own idea. You may use any of them in your own project(s), perhaps with a little credit to me in the about box or similar. :)

Also appended to this is a section containing example projects I've made, which you can look at to learn how to do something in particular.

Note that I haven't updated this site in ages (other than adding this little note), and most of the classes/modules/projects are ancient. They all come with a life-time guarantee of support, though, so feel free to contact me about them if you want.

I have a lot more items than this now (100's of custom classes and modules in just about every area imaginable - none of which I can really be bothered documenting here. Check the RealBasic Café (hotline:// for all my publicly available items as well as hundreds by others too.


BetterProgressCircle - a canvas class that acts like a progress bar, with value and maximum properties. But it draws the progress in the form a pie graph type thing, rather than some boring old bar. This version, version 1.2, has few of the bugs found in the original, and inludes various new features and speed increases.

CustomProgress - a canvas class that acts like a progress bar with a difference - it allows you to build your own progress bars, using pictures you give it. The example project includes 4 bars, and instructions for making your own. Very arty, and surprisingly effective. Definitely worth a peek.

HeadingField - an EditField class, this simply adds a new method, AddItem, which has two parameters, the heading and the text. It then puts the heading and text into itself, with linebreaks between previous entries, and makes the heading bold. When I made it this was quite an accomplishment. Sad, isn't it. :)

MultiTracker - a socket class, this is an extension of Hotline tracker, another socket class. But the difference is, this one allows you to give it the address of multiple servers, and it'll go through them all, one by one, getting a server list from each.

Pyramid Progress - This is a very simple canvas class that draws a pyramid and fills it up, as a kind of abstract progress bar. There's also a second class included which draws an upside-down pyramid, just for the fun of it.


Binary stuff - this module simply converts text you give it to binary, and vice versa. It's reasonably quick, and has no bugs, although you're better off using the new MultiFunction plugin available at the Café, which has this ability, but a lot lot faster.

BookmarkPrefs - this modules is designed specifically for managing bookmarks and saving them to prefs. Useful in any internet program, it's quick and easy to use. It's not really object orientated, and I have since created several modules, but useful for those just starting out.

FileCode - a simple module that encodes a file, and then decodes it. When it encodes, it removes the resource fork and stores it instead in the data fork, which means you can send the encoded file over the internet or via PC's, and decode it at the other end and you'll get the entire file, including resource fork.

OT ErrorDecode - a simple module which returns a string error message for the error number you give to it. A must have for all socket programs.

PassHandlers - a simple handler which does 3 things. The first two are to return bullets and stars for the string passed to them, for use when displaying hidden passes, and the third item encrypts and decrypts the password in one of 3 very quick methods. Similar things can be achieved with the MultiFunction plugin.

PrefHandler - a simple module that allows you to get and save items to a prefs file. Not too difficult to create yourself, but useful to look at it if you don't know how or have hit a problem.

SizeClean - a single function which returns a string nicely formatted to display the size in bytes you pass to it. E.g. 1025837 becomes "1.11 Mb", thereabouts. Tried and proven in many of my programs.


Backdrop Window - shows you how to tile a picture onto the background of a window, to make your projects more interesting and visually pleasing. Not terribly fast, but better than any other RB-coded alternatives I've found.

Background music - shows you how to use a NotePlayer object and a timer to create atmospheric, calming or just plain interesting background music, with a random beat and fluctuation.

Krypter - an old project of mine, shows you how to do simple encryption/decryption. Although it has been far surpassed by other RealBasic encryption programs available, and now that damn MultiFunction plugin (I'm really losing ground here, aren't I? :)

QuickTime Music - shows you how to play audio files in the background. Using QuickTime 3, it works on midi, mod, sound, aiff and similar files. With QuickTime 4 it also works on mpeg's, mp2's, mp3's and many more sound formats.

SelectVolume - shows you an example of a very simple dialog box which lets the user select a volume. Perhaps has uses in niche areas, but not very stimulating visually, so you'll have to improve on it to use in a proper program.

TipsWindow - contains a complete tips window you can use in your own projects. Includes the ability to use styled text in the tips, and has no limit as to length and number of tips. Loads from a text file the tips. A newer version of this loads from the resource fork, and is far far faster, but is available only through the RealBasic Café (sorry).