Pei Mun's MCSE Home Page



MCSE Links
Links to MCSE sites with

reviews and summary of

Exam Notes
Exam notes for subjects

Win NT Resources
Extensive NT resources,

online mags, product reviews...

Technical Articles
NT articles, incl DNS, DHCP,


For sample exams for both MCSE and MCSD papers

About me
Unimportant things about the writer

Note : These pages are designed for 800x600 res and if you have problems viewing
using IE i.e. it doesn't scroll downwards, bounce between fullscreen to fix it.

I have a new Virtual URL now, please change your bookmarks to
(because I just might move my pages to somewhere with more space for putting
simulation exams and articles)


I got it for free at


Dateline--> 26th January 2001 :

Oh my, I have been away from my site far too long!  That's the problem isn't it? One gets the certification and gets on with working life, and then forgets about these things.

I still have a lot to prune out, so please be patient k?

Summary of what I have inside :

sunglass.gif (111 bytes)Links to some brilliant MCSE home pages, created by would-be or existing MCP/MCSE holders with classification of what they have, and comments as well--> MCSE Links
sunglass.gif (111 bytes)Links sorted by exam papers, further categorized by Exam Notes, Braindumps and Sample Questions --> Exam Notes Page
sunglass.gif (111 bytes)Links to Win NT Resources, to find Drivers, Softwares, FAQs, Product Write-ups, essays, useful articles, etc.
sunglass.gif (111 bytes)Technical Articles on Windows NT and its operation, sorted by topics courtesy of Win NT Mag and NT System Mags.
sunglass.gif (111 bytes)My very own Tips on how to prepare for the exams

Interesting Things I have online in my Download Page:

sunglass.gif (111 bytes)NT Server 4.0 Online Help Files.
sunglass.gif (111 bytes)NT Server 4.0 Networking Guide
sunglass.gif (111 bytes)NT Server 4.0 Concepts and Planning Guide
sunglass.gif (111 bytes)Resource Kit Help Files
sunglass.gif (111 bytes)Registry Technical References.

Sites for Win NT Professionals on the Job Hunt :

NT Job Hunter - Recruitment Search Tool

Also check out the Network Articles I've written and posted so far :

sunglass.gif (111 bytes)Introduction to Networking (30th April 98)
sunglass.gif (111 bytes)Network Standards (5th May 98)
sunglass.gif (111 bytes)Network Protocols (13th May 98)
sunglass.gif (111 bytes)Network Topology (8th June 98) <-- Most Recent! (ok ok I been slacking) ;þ

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Interesting Stuff!
(This is supposed to be an attention grabber like headlines ;) Did it work?)

All Topics below below can be found at the Technical Articles Page.

sunglass.gif (111 bytes)What happens when your server crashes??? You may want to know how to restore from a network disaster

sunglass.gif (111 bytes)Here is where you find more in-depth knowledge on Assigning IP Addresses, TCPIP Stuff, Using DNS or WINS, or NetBIOS names.

sunglass.gif (111 bytes)Beginners, you might want to check out Windows NT Basics.

sunglass.gif (111 bytes)More interestingly for Advanced Admins, you might find Virtual Domains, Exchange Migration, Multi-homing, Gateways, Firewalls and Internet Services articles interesting.

sunglass.gif (111 bytes)I would think that Tuning NT Server, Optimization of Performance, Troubleshooting and Registry Services would be of importance and some interest to all NT Server Administrators and Integrators. Not to mention System Policies, Administration and Security as well.

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You are weird looni half cracked person (or MCSE wannabe) no : Counter
to have come here and have your sanity compromised since whenever Geocities reset the counter :( (year 2000 something although the site began in Feb 98)

.... and here comes those confounded banners/stuffs that makes me LOOK like I'm part of many professional bodies and am really smart and intelligent and great and fantastick and <insert more  superlative adjectives here> J. Actually you should know by now what a big fake I am. But anyway... here they are :

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This site can be viewed by any browser that can support tables.
I do not side either Netscape or IE, but my personal preferance goes with Mr Navigator.
As I see it, Microsoft is already powerful enough, they wont miss me
as a supporter. Plus they have enough money anyway.
I'm rambling but so what, this is my page ;)

If you have any comments, suggestions, please feel free to email me at
Copyrighted 97-
99 Lim Pei Mun J
Last updated : 20 August 1999

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