There is a secret bonus level that contains pictures of the Lynx designers and programmers and all the bonus weapons. At the beginning of level TRYX turn on your shields and fly through the bottom of the floor. On the deviding portion where the tanks are on are sections that flicker red. Between the first square one and the next oval one is the spot. Then fly about one ship's height above the bottom through the posts and under the stalagtites. Enter the portal and there you go!

Also, one level worth mentioning is the level BROT. This has background pictures of the Mandelbrot set and the monsters behave in a way that is a lot like Conway's Game of Life (Making a geometrical pattern).

This map is a bit more informative than a sequential list of levels... Note that it's possible to go in a circle by way of the secret level. (TRYX -> Secret -> NERB -> ...) I keep on expecting to find similar paths thru TRAX and SNEX. Anyone find anything like that? Gates of Zendocon -- Map by Howard Chu

Each level's gates are numbered left to right, top to bottom, as the terrain scrolls from left to right.

         2/  `--.
         /       ZYBX 2
        /       1/|3 `--.
       /        / |      XRXS
      /        /  |       |
     /        /   |    1 ANEX
    /        /    |  .--' |2
   /        /    NEAT     |
  /        /      |       |
  |       |      YARR     |
  |       |       |       |
  |       |    1 EYES     |
  |       |  .--' /2     /
  |      NYXX    /      /
  |     /       /      /
  |  ZYRB      /      /
  |    |      /______/
  |  SRYX    /
  |     \   /
  |      BARE 2
  |      1|  `--.
  |       |      XRAY
  |      STAX        `--.
  |       |              RATT
  |       |               |
  \      SZZZ            NYET
   \         `--.    .--'
    `----------->RAZE___ 2
                1/|3\4  `--------ROXX
                / |  \               `--.
               /  |   \                  NERB
              /   |    \_                 |
             /    |      TERA            TREY
            /     |       |          .--'
           /      |       |    2 STAR
          /       |       |  .--' |1
          |       |      BYTE    SSSS
          |       |       |       |
          |       |    1 BETA     |
          |       |  .--' |2      |
          |      TRAX     |       |
          |       |       |       |
          |    1 ZEBA     |       |
          |  .--' |2      |       |
         TRYX    ROXY     |       |
          |       |       |       |
         STYX    NEXA 1   |       |
          |       |2 `--. |       |
         YARB     |      NEST     |
          \       |       |       |
           \____  |      EBYX     |
                \ |  .--'-------<-'
              1  BREX
            .---'2| 3\___
        ZEST      |      \
       /          |       \
      /           |      STAB
     /            |       |
  ZORT            |       |
    |             |       |
    |             |    1 BOXX
    |             |  .--' |2
    |            SEBB     |
    |        .--'        TENT
    |    SNEX           /
    |     |            /
  BRAN   ZAXX         /
    `--------`--.    /
                 SNAX 2
                 1|  `--.
                  |      NEAR
                  |  .--'