The Official Home Page of Note

Welcome to the Official home page of Note. Note is a shareware application that allows users on an AppleTalk network to exchange messages and carry out conferences.


You can download Note 2.0.2 for Macintosh from here. As of 19/2/99 that is the latest version. You can now download versions for 68K and PowerPC only, as well as the FAT applicaton. If you aren't sure which to download, get the FAT as it will run on any Macintosh.

Note for all Macintoshes

Note for Power Macintoshes

Note for 68K Macintoshes

Register for all Macintoshes


The big news this week, Note has been featured in Dennis Sellars' series on new applications for MacOS X on MacCentral. Check it out.
I have now enrolled as an Honours student at the Australian National University. The note web page will probably soon move to somewhere off this free site. Not entirely sure yet.

I was hoping to have a version of WanTalk released by about now, except it is kind of hard to release software when there isn't a platform to release it on. As soon as I can get hold of MacOS X Server I'll release a version for it. The Windows NT version is going to be harder as Apple hasn't yet released a runtime for Yellow Box on Windows NT outside of WebObjects 4.0. Oh well.

The Name

Note will undergo a name change the version released for MacOS X Server and Windows will be called WanTalk 1.0. The version for the standard MacOS will be called Note. This name will last until MacOS 8 is finally dropped probably sometime next year.

Note is too similar to Lotus Notes in name, people are always getting them confused. That is why the name will change.

The first person to work out what the name WanTalk means gets a free serial number. The meaning will then be posted to this web site. If you have any guesses, email me at

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