It appears that the archive for Bunny Race will not upload to Geocities properly (I'm forced to do this from a PC network) at the moment. I tried uploading again today so you can try this latest archive if you click here. I'm persuading my network manager to give me FTP access so I can try a different method of uploading...
If you're desperate to get the game you can get the game via e-mail. Alternatively you can wait until Monday when I can try uploading the game in two separate archives (for discs 1 and 2) -- this may work...
Bunny Race is FREEWARE. You may be copy and distribute it freely providing that all the files remain unaltered.
Magazines are free to copy and distribute it providing that all files remain unaltered. I understand that most magazines do pay authors for publishing programs - any disc editors please contact me if you're feeling generous!
PD libraries are free to copy and distribute it providing that all files remain unaltered and that the post and packaging prices are reasonable.