
Authors' Information

About us


We are Gonzalo Diaz and Mariana Esplugas, spouses, from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Mariana got a degree on Ancient Languages at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and Gonzalo got a degree on Anthropology there, but is working on Windows programming as a Microsoft Solution Developer.


Key features

KALOS is a computer program which conjugates verbs in Classic Greek. It provides, under 32-bit appearance, a very original method for displaying results. Makes Greek verbs fun and easy!. Contains search under different criteria (meaning, root) and can be used as round dictionary. As far as we know, it's more comprehensive than all major works on the subject, such as "Tutti I verbi Grecci" or any well known dictionary such as Liddell-Scott.
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Contact Information

If you want to know more about KALOS, want to give it a try or are in any way interested on it, please contact Mariana or Gonzalo !.

Mariana Esplugas or Gonzalo Diaz (we have no secrets for each other)

Street address
Belisario Hueyo 129 (1870) Avellaneda

Electronic mail addresses

Office phone
(54-1) 343-3600

Home phone
(54 -1) 201-5188

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Comments and Suggestions

Please tell us what you think about my home page and how I might improve it.

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