Hello, my name is Sujit Pal. I am a Software Engineer and I work for Healthline Networks, Inc in San Francisco.

My professional interests include Databases and their applications in Data Warehousing and Web backends, designing J2EE based enterprise applications, search, and Java and C system programming on Unix and Linux.

On the personal front, my hobbies include open-source programming, chess and photography.

I also maintain a technical blog, where I try to post about once a week.

This is what I have on my website

  1. My (outdated) resume
  2. Articles
  3. Code library
  4. Book Reviews
Here are links to my open source projects
  1. SQLUnit - a testing framework for stored procedures based on XML and JUnit
  2. IFX Framework - a framework for auto-generating beans required by the IFX Framework
  3. JPLists - an alternative to JSON Objects and XML
Here are links to my publications (articles written by me but published elsewhere)
  1. jselect - A Java processor for SQL SELECT statements - a small article on basic JDBC programming, submitted to the Washington Informix User Group. Incidentally, also my very first publication.
  2. Managing rules dynamically from a database - an application to store rules in a database using either Java or Python conditions and consequences. This was written against Drools 2.x.
  3. Debugging and Profiling with Eclipse - one of my blog posts which got reprinted on SYS-CON.
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Page designed and maintained by Sujit Pal