Welcome to the Date Codes Page


DateCodes is a Cuban cigar box date code cracking marco for the excellent Macro5. The macro cracks NivelAcuso and CodigUneta codes and has some support for the new codes that have been recently introduced, however not enough is known about these to decode them completely. I'll update the macro as soon as more information on these codes becomes available. If you can help, please mail me.

Screen Shots

Here are some screen shots of the macro...

Enter the date code from your box of fine Cuban cigars into the Date code field. Then select the coding system to use to crack the code. It doesn't matter if you select the wrong code the first time, you can always try another.
Now press the Convert button and the date code will be cracked. The real date is displayed in the Date field. If the code you enter is invald or if you selected the wrong coding system, the text ERROR appears in this field. If this happens, simply select another coding system or modify the text in the Date code field and press Convert again. You can use the Paste button to conveniently paste the real date into your application.


DateCodes version 1.0

Stop Press!

It seems that the Cubans have finally decided on a sensible date coding system. As of January 2000 the dates are coded in plain Spanish. This is great news and will make my macro redundant for new boxes.

This page was last updated 28-03-2002