Quality Freeware for Windows 3.x
Programs Utilities Win3 Updates
Win3 Tips  Win3 Fonts

Welcome to Quality Freeware for Windows 3.x. There are now 33 programs that you can download and have for free. That's right: for nothing. Everything here is being given away by the program's maker (a few ask for an optional payment). Every program has been tested and retested; we take only the best. Too many free programs lack features they need, have too many bugs, or lack adequate documentation. And so you don't waste your time downloading something you don't want, there are full length reviews to tell you about each program. Enjoy!

Audio Lab manipulate .wav and .voc sound files.
bCAD use a powerful 2D and 3D drafting program.
Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator get a great web browser and more.
Winbar and Calmira replace the program manager with a slick Windows 95 task bar and more.
Spell Checker use a spell checker for any application.
Matrix a spreadsheet program for a wide variety of uses.
Europe! test your knowledge with a Europe geography game.
XQuest play a fast paced video game with a sense of humor.
POV-Ray make realistic 3-D computer generated pictures.
Ms. Chomp play a great Ms. Packman Clone.
The Love Calculator find out if you're really meant for each other.
Texture Maker Make cool textures and background tiles for webpages.
GraphX Viewer an image viewer with some nice editing capabilities.

StuffIt Expander if you don't have a tool to expand ZIP files, get this.
WiZ create, manipulate, and extract zip files.
SuperPad examine larger files, replace text, and still starts in a flash.
All the Time a great little clock with a neat look.
Monitor warns you when Windows 3.x is low on resources .
Dialog Killer deal with those annoying dialog boxes automatically.
Ministry of Buttons add a customizable toolbar to your applications.
FTaskman use a better task manager.
Splitz split and rejoin large files.
Configuration Editor use a better system file editor.
MouseKey assign commands to the right and center mouse buttons.
HideIt hide the icons of programs running in the background.
LHA use a free compression utility that's as good as ZIP.
DOSBar put a convenient task bar atop every DOS window.
Compose get easy access to all those characters that aren't on the keyboard.
Hugh's GIF Tool make transparent GIFs.
Odd Job Timer a timer with a countdown feature.
WinFileX use a default app to open any doc in File Manager.

Win3 Updates
File Manager use the year 2000 compliant version.
Calculator fixes the addition and subtraction bug.
Windows 3.11 Upgrade upgrade Win 3.1 to Win 3.11 for better networking

Email me: johnceearr@yahoo.com
©1999-2005 by John Richards, all rights reserved. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation and other trademarks are trademarks of their respective companies. You know folks, we're planning on copyrighting the letter C (capital). If it goes through, we're going to sue Compaq, Coca-Cola, and the State of California.