The answers to these questions are best guesses of the contributor and may not be correct

1. Your company's primery Exchange Server Computer does not have a tape backup device. You install a standby Exchange Server Computer that performs a file based backup of the primary server every night.

You want to create a batch file that will stop the Exchange Server services on the primary server and copy the necessary files to the backup server. Which file include in the batch copy (choose tree)

a. directory file

b. checkpoint file

c. transaction log file

d. public information store file

e. private information store file

f. personal information store file


my answer: c, d, e


2. You configurate you Exchange Server Computer to allow users to access their mailboxes by using IMAP4. Some users report that when they connect to the server with their IMAP4 client application, they receive an error message stating that message size is unknown. What should you do so that all users can use IMAP4 app. to access the server?

a. Enable MCIS authentication to the server

b. Configurate the server so that it does not terminate idle IMAP4 session

c. Configurate the server to provide the IMAP4 message body in plain text only

d. Clean the "Enable fast message retrieval" checkbox in the IMAP program


my answer: d


3. Yous computer's Exchange Server Org. consist of multiple sites. Your computer has a business division named ATG that does classified work. The ATG division is in its own site and domain.  Your company dows not want the directory inf. about ATG employees to be visible to other connected sites within its Exchange Server org. Howewer, your company still wants users in each site to be able to send msg. to all Exchange srv. recipients.

The company wants ATG employees to be able to view directory info about all recepient from all other sites. What to do?

a. Clear all directory repl. attrib in the DS sites configuration object for ATG site

b. Grant permission for the recipients container to only Exchange server service account in the ATG domain

c. Use X.400 connector + trust level

d. configurate turst levels

my answer: a


4. MS outlook on both computer, office and home. Message disappierd. Why?

a. Did not sync

b. download PST file

c. download OST file

d. home computer still logged on

answer: b


5. Plan a long term coexist between Org A and Org B. You want to provide access so LDAP client application query the directory in org A, the receive dir obj from both organisation. How to configurate org A to make this?

a. implement directory replication connector between A and B

b. Configurate substring search in org A to allow all substring search

c. config all appropriate dir. attrib for anonim authentication

d. select an Exchange server computer in org B as the default LDAP referral org B

my answer: d


6. An Exchange server recipient has the following default X.400 address: X.400: c=us;a= ;p=beans;o=coffie;s=jackson;g=sue What does the "o" field refer to?

a. site name

b. organisation name

c. server name

d. container name

my answer: a


7. You administrate seven Exchange computer. Configurate server monitor to monitor the system attendant. You want one of them offline and do not want error msg.

a. remove the server from the network

b. manually stop the system att.

c. run the admin prg with the monitor suspension option before

d. remove the server from the server monitor

my answer: c


8. You want to shut down one of the chat server on your chat network. You want to make the shutdown transparent to new user, who will be connect to your collection of chat servers. What to do?

a. Disable new connection, and wait for all existing connection to terminate

b. close the portal between the other chat server

c. commant line: net stop chatsvc

d. pause workstation service

my answer: a


9. 5 Exchange server, single site. 3 in London, 2 in Tokyo. What to do, so users in London always access public folders in London before accessing replicas of the public folders in Tokyo

a. ser directory replication to use on X.400

b. on the public IS set the home server to be London

c. config the location value of each server to be the value:*

d. config the location value of each server to be the city in wich the server is located.


10. You enable LDAP and allow anonymus access. You notice that several directory field is visible to anonymus users who connect via the internet. You want some fild hide.

a. set LDAP to allow only initial substring search

b. Remove the field from the def. template for each mailbox

c. clear the fields in the attrib. of the DS site config object

d. config the trust level ....

my answer:c


11. Unix POP3 server remove, replace it Exchange server that runs IMS. The new server has the same IP on DNS. Users connect POP3 application can retrieve mail. However they receive an error msg: Try to send msg via internet.  What is the problem?

a. POP3 client not support SSL

b. POP3 client not support NT challenge/respond

c. The IMS set to does not reroute incoming SMTP

d. The IMS set to an SMTP address type rather than POP3 address type

my answer: c


12. You have one Exchange server 5.5 and five Exchange server 4.0 in a site. Ex 4.0 fails, you want to replace another 4.0. What to do?

a. Copy Ex 5.5 support files for Ex 4.0 to an Ex 4.0 install subdirectory and run setup

b. perform a tipical install of Ex 4.0

c. Install Ex 5.5 and jon the site, install Ex 4.0 on this computer

d. Install Ex 4.0 and copy Ex srv 5.5 support files to the Exchsrvr\Bin

my answer: d


13. Frank configurate backup strategy for his exchange server computer for offline backup. Circular logging disable. Last night full backup was successful. The morning the server stopped. Frank do a backup, what to do next?

a. edbutil /r

b. update mdb and log

c. run idsinted -path

d. do nothing

my answer: c


14. Exchange org. uses custom attributes on a per-site basis. You do not want the custom attrib to replicate others. How to config?

a. specify only the custom attrib in the DS site config obj

b. specify all attrib except the custom attrib in the DS site config obj

c. specify the permission on the Directory Replication obj for administrators only

d. config trust level .....

my answer: b


15. Install MS outlook on network. You want to config the install files so that users with mailboxes on any of the five Exchange server computer in you site can install the client application. What to do?

a. set default.prf Exchange server field blank

b. set default.prf Exchange server field to be any

c. delete Exchange server service form the default.prf

d. config separate share for each of the five servers and set the default.prf Exchange server field to be the appropriate server

my answer: d

1. Helene uses Outlook on two pc's, one at the office and one at home.   On Friday Helene reads her e-mail at the office. After working at home all weekend Helene returns to her office on Monday where she tries to read her messages on her office computer, but she can not. What happened to Helene's messages?

a. She downloaded her messages to her .PST folder. (answer)

b. She downloaded her messages to her .OST foler.

2. Your company does not have a tape backup. Your standby Exchange server performs a file based backup every night. What files do you copy on server? Choose three.

a. directory file (answer)

b. transaction file (answer)

c. checkpoint file (answer)

d. public IS

e. private IS

3. You have a single master domain. You install Outlook client software on your users workstations. How do you force Outlook to require a password everytime the users log on?

a. Exchange server installed in non-trusted domain.

b. Delete password file on each client workstation.

c. Configure user profiles so security is not used during login.

d. Configure profile to encrypt information when user connects to exchange server by using new or dialup networking. (answer)(not sure on this one)

4. You backed up your server using the full backup method. You have circular logging enabled. You also have delete Item Retension set for 4 days. A user needs to restore an item. How?

a. restore from backup (answer)(not sure on this one)

b. replay from transaction log

c. logon to Outlook as administrator and restore them

d. recover in Outlook

5. Your users are complaining of slow response on directory updates. Had something to do with internet e-mail. Don't remember the exact wording on this one.

a. move all recipients to another server

b. move all recipients to same container

c. set trust level to 40 in export container of dirsync requestor & set trust level to 20 for each recipient. (answer)

6. You need to enable message tracking for SMTP. How?

a. MTA (answer)

b. IMS (answer)

c. IS (answer)


7. You use dial up to connect with your ISP. You need to reduce the time it takes to transfer data to the internet due to cost concerns. What do you do?

a. Configure a continuous connection.

b. Configure an ETRN command to the ISP.(answer)(not sure)

c. Configure a TURN command to the ISP.

8. Sara has a laptop computer that she uses at the office and when out of the office. Her laptop is configured with an .OST file. She synchronizes her laptop computer with the office server. Sara would like to have an offline folder for research but she does not see the synchronization tab among the property pages of that public folder.  What must Sara do to synchronize with the public folder?

a. The administrator must configure that folder for synchronization.

b. The owner of the folder must configure it for synchronization.

c. Sara must designate the public folder as a Favorite folder. (answer)

9. An IMAP4 client connects to your Exchange server and recieves an error message stating that the message size is unknown. What fixes the problem?

a. Enable MCIS

b. Clear the "Enable fast message retrieval" check box (answer)

10. Heavy cpu usage when sending large distribution lists. How do you prevent this?

a. configure another exchange server as an expansion server in DL.


1. Single Master domain. They want Outlook users to logon using account and password info.

Choose the answer re. the profile setting with no security info.

2. A complicated question re. Backup of Exchange database:   2 hard disks one faster than the other.

Requirement daily full backup of Exchange databases.

Optional requirements:
Restore database in case of disk failure
Optimize client use of database

Proposed solution:
install information database store and transaction logs on fast disk 
install directory database and dir. transaction logs on slower disk.
Make daily full backup of database
Disable circular logging

4 possibilities: Does the solution satisfy the 1. requirement plus the two ptional requirements or only 1. requirement and none of the other two or only one option or neither the 1 requirement nor the two other optional? 

3. A question re. the network installation of Outlook in a site with 5 server

Configure installation files so that users with mailboxes on any of Exch server can install the client application.

Answer : Default.prf with Exchange server blank section

4. Five MS Mail Postoffice. All users of one postoffice are migrated to Exchange.   MS MAil Connector and dirsync are configured.  The users migrated to Exchange do not receive mail fromMs MAil users. Why? 

Answer: MS MAil mailbox of Exchange users has not been deleted in MS Mail.

5. A company with two Exchange sites A e B. Each site in its own domain .  They want users to exchange e-mail , but do not want that users on site B can see Sites A users information, while Site A users can see other users information How do you implement that?

Answer: Clear all recipients attributes of intersite replication in the DS Site configuration obj in Site A.

6. A company with a messaging system on host in central office and 5 remote offices from where clients connect to Host in the main office via 56 k links.They want to replace the Host with Exchange system. How do they implement Exchange messaging system in order to use not peak traffic hours and optimize client access and use of message system?

Answer: Implement 5 Exchange servers each at its own office connected through x.400 connector.

7. A question re. the backup of database files when no tape back up exists:

Answer: 3 choices Private; public store and directory store.

8. A question re. what to after an off-line back up has been made during the night and then the server on the following day at a certain point is not working any longer:

EDButil.exe; Isinteg- patch ?? My answer: Run isinteg -patch

9. A question re. POP3 client receiving email but unable to send it.

My Answer: Enable Rerouting incoming SMTP mail in IMS Routing tab windows.

10. A question re. Anonymous Access via LDAp and how to disable certain directory attributes.

Answer: Disable attributes in the DS Site configuration objects for LDAp anonymous access. 

11. A question re. Download inbox content to .pst file at home so that Inbox messages are not available on the server mailbox the day after, when the user connects again to the his/her mailbox on the server at his work place.