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This personal web page has been created to let people know about me and my life.

I am trying to make use of this web page to describe the experiences which could be useful to share among friends.

Also, I will include all my  works such as papers, articles which I have published.

Presently, I am working in Ericsson USA. By profession, I am Telecommunications Engineer. Computer,  Internet and new   technologies have always amazed me, and keep my life meaningful. I mean, this amzing technologies make my day to day life so meaningful that I learn and teach new things everyday. Otherwise, my life would have been boring if I know everything. Thanks to new technologies which make my everyday life so busy. That's what I do for leaving, learn everyday new thing and share with others what I learn.

But, this learning process is never ending business. More I know, I feel like there are much more left to know. Hence.. I keep learning learning, learning and learning . However,  I will put all the stuff which I have learnt so far into this web. So, I am creating this web to share the knowledge that   I have gained.

Hope some of my learnings can be useful to you.

Thanks for visiting my web page!!!


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Rabindra Shakya

Please click here to see my first Home Page during my stay at AIT.

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Another PageTN00605A.gif (2512 bytes)

Contact BS00864A.gif (2535 bytes)

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Guest BookHH01518A.gif (838 bytes)
Photo GalleryPE02072A.gif (2034 bytes)
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