Welcome to

The Webpage of Garth

My goal is to put everything I am interested in on this webpage. This site is always under construction.

Featured pages:

Garth's Joke page #1. This is the first page in my joke collection. These include my favorite jokes from friends and mailing lists.

Garth's Joke page #2. A continuation of the above.

Garth's Joke page #3. The sega continues...

Garth's Joke page #4. More of 'em.

Garth's Funny picture page. Funny pictures.

School related pages:

Garth's Graduation Pictures. This is a collection of the pictures I took of my high school graduation.

Garth's Graduation Speech. This is a copy of my valedictorian speech from graduation.

The Lunch Club Homepage. This is the official homepage of a lunch group I regularly attend.

Garth's Asimov Page. This page is devoted to my favorite author, Isaac Asimov.

Garth's Austen Page. This page is devoted to one of my least favorite authors, Jane Austen.

Hobby related pages:

Garth's Calculator page. This is a page with my original and useful TI-85 programs.

Garth's Links page. These are the best and most interesting places I have found on the web.

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Site maintained by Garth Johnson. Email: gbjohnson@yahoo.com

last updated June 19 1999