Update! i have just found a program to transfer programs back and forth between my TI-92+ and computer via parallel link. My problem was that Sami's W32Tran8x program doesn't work with the parallel port in EPP mode. Some day i will get back to writing programs for my TI-92+ and put them on here. Until then, enjoy the 85 things. 7-5-99
Have you ever needed to generate a random number between x and y? Like in the TI92 command rand(n)? Here is a script for the TI85 that will do just that:
to get a random number between x and y.
random# = x + mod(int (y*rand),y)
Example: get a random number between 1 and 7.
use the formula 1 + mod(int (7*rand),7)
Example: get a random number between 0 and 1000
0 + mod(int (1000*rand),1000)
or simplified mod(int (1000*rand,1000)
Here are some of my TI85 programs
All these programs of my own creation. I have not yet fallen into the trap of assembly! All of these are in TI-BASIC! These are some of the math programs that I always keep on my TI85. They are actually pretty useful, if you know how to use them. If they are not self-explanitory, please email and I'll help.
UPDATED 5-30-98
AFrac.zip Converts real and imaginary answers into proper fractions.
Conversions.zip Converts digital storage units (bytes, bits, mbytes, etc...)
AdvancedGraph.zip Lets you draw shade lines like the ti92 and ti86 can. Also graphs functions in bold.
Hero.zip You enter the length of three sides of a triangle and it will tell you the area of that triangle.
Angles.zip These program displays angles on the screen.