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Hide to Desktop Tutorial

The Code

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This section will give a full explanation of each part of the code. A fragment of the code will precede the explanation:

Dim CDC As Long, DTWND As Long, DTDC As Long
Dim CBMP As Long, frmWidth As Long, frmHeight As Long
Dim PrevX As Long, PrevY As Long
Dim TempDC As Long, TempBMP As Long

These are the declaration of some variables used. Here is what each of them means:

CDC compatible DC to store the background behind our window
DTWND the handle of the Desktop window
DTDC the DC of the Desktop Window
CBMP the compatible bitmap to be loaded into CDC
frmWidth the width of our form in pixels
frmHeight the height of our from in pixels
PrevX the X position of our from in pixels
PrevY the Y position of our form in pixels
TempDC a temporary DC to store our form outlook
TempBMP a temporary bitmap to select into TempDC

If Val(Text1.Text) = 0 Then Text1.Text = "3"
If Val(Text2.Text) < 1000 Then Text2.Text = "15000"

Just a simple textbox contents check.

frmWidth = Form1.Width \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
frmHeight = Form1.Height \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelY

Calculating the width and height of our form in pixels and storing the values for a future use in variables.

DTWND = GetDesktopWindow
CDC = CreateCompatibleDC(DTDC)
CBMP = CreateCompatibleBitmap(DTDC, frmWidth, frmHeight)
Call SelectObject(CDC, CBMP)
TempDC = CreateCompatibleDC(DTDC)
TempBMP = CreateCompatibleBitmap(DTDC, frmWidth, frmHeight)
SelectObject TempDC, TempBMP

Retrieve the handle of the Desktop Window and store it into a variable. Then get its DC and again store it. Next, create the compatible DC, compatible with the desktop, create a compatible bitmap with the size of our window and compatible with the Desktop and load it into the compatible DC. Then create the temporary compatible DC to hold our form's outlook, create a bitmap for it and load it.

Pic.Top = 0
Pic.Left = 0
Pic.Width = Me.Width
Pic.Height = Me.Height

PrevX = Me.Left \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
PrevY = Me.Top \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelY

Position the picture box to cover the whole window and then calculate the current left and top position in pixels and store into variables.

Me.Move Me.Left - 100000
TempRect.Left = PrevX
TempRect.Right = PrevX + frmWidth
TempRect.Top = PrevY
TempRect.Bottom = PrevY + frmHeight
RedrawWindow DTWND, TempRect, ByVal 0&, RDW_ERASE
BitBlt CDC, 0&, 0&, frmWidth, frmHeight, DTDC, PrevX, PrevY, SRCCOPY
Me.Move Me.Left + 100000

Hide our window, ensure it is hidden by calling DoEvents, redraw the rectangular part of the desktop behind "us" and then copy the contents of the desktop at the place of our window into our compatible DC. Then return the window to its original position.

BitBlt TempDC, 0&, 0&, frmWidth, frmHeight, DTDC, PrevX, PrevY, SRCCOPY

Ensure the form has returned to its position and then copy the Desktop contents on the place of our form into a temp memory DC. This contents is actually the outlook of our from.

Pic.ZOrder 0
Pic.Visible = True
BitBlt Pic.hdc, 0&, 0&, frmWidth, frmHeight, TempDC, 0&, 0&, SRCCOPY
Pic.Picture = Pic.Image

Put the picture on the top of all controls, show it and then copy the contents of the temp memory DC onto it. Then set .Picture property to .Image property to prevent losing the current contents.

Pic.AutoRedraw = False
Dim I As Long, tX As Long, tY As Long, SqSize As Long
SqSize = Val(Text1.Text)
Randomize Timer
For I = 1 To Val(Text2.Text)
tX = Rnd(5) * frmWidth
tY = Rnd(7) * frmHeight
BitBlt Pic.hdc, tX, tY, SqSize, SqSize, CDC, tX, tY, SRCCOPY
Next I

Set AutoRedraw to False to prevent the picture to be reset to its old contents. Then init a random numbers generation and copy random squares from the memory DC containing the background behind our window onto the picture box.

DeleteDC CDC
DeleteDC TempDC
Unload Me

Free resources used by CDC and TempDC and end the program.

Copyright (c) 1999, Billy&George Software and Peter Dimitrov
Revised May 1999