Hi, I'm Sriti.
The purpose of this home page is to share with you some interesting ideas and information.

My interests are:
Integrating Information Technology in the Curriculum,
and Enhancing the use of Computers

The description of my page is:
Internet Technology
Internet for Educational Purposes
Collaborative Projects by Email.

Do be patient and view the 3D cube coming up: (See if you can discover something about it, for instance: how and where it turns and the effect of the mouse on various parts of the cube.)

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[Reminiscing about a Social Studies Project] [Lesson Plans][Teachers' Questions Answered][Archives] [Albert Ong's Educational Website] [UK-Singapore Collaborative Projects Website] [Alberto's Fun Web Site]

Archives - Pages from the Past

(Topics below are in Alphabetical Order)

AITP Knowledge Acquisition Trip showing some of the American schools visited by a team of Singapore educationists in Dec 95. AITP is the acronym for Accelerated Information Technology for Primary Schools.

Albert's Stint at Ednovation: He was sequentially: Education Technology Consultant (2000), Director of Professional Services (2001) and Principal Consultant (2002).

Computer Whiz "Kid" - Contact May 1999: is an article about Albert Ong - a retired principal who has turned Sr IT Instructor.

Focus on IT in Tamil � highlights the effort of Mrs Bala of St Hilda's Primary School in the integration of IT in teaching TL.

"Going Places" is a photo-archives of places visited by Albert Ong. The graphics are digital collages and video clips taken by him during his travels world wide.

National Day - 1999 & 1998 � showing some photos of ETD officers at the MOE National Day observance ceremonies and celebrations.

"Pioneering School Explores New Field"
- An Interview with Microsoft Magazine

"Project iSenior"
- About 90 students spent a day refurbishing obsolete 486AT computers so that they could be donated to needy Senior Citizens to learn IT. Sriti was involved.

Project OceanWave - a UK-Singapore Collaborative project on Internet.This page documents how the project began, linking 2 UK and 2 Singapore schools and involving an aircraft- carrier, HMS Illustrious.

Project OceanWave II - a UK-Singapore Collaborative Project involving 2 Singapore schools and a British frigate,HMS Grafton.

The 1st Scout-Guide Website Competition prize presentation took place on 18 Sep 1999. Sriti was one of the judges from MOE and NCB.

Workshop Photographs taken from the Archives of Pictures of Interesting Workshops attended by Sriti.

Xinmin Primary School bade "Farewell"
to their first principal.

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