Pictures from Winter School on Evolutionary Algorithms at Denmark Technical University, Jan. 5-8, 1998

Most of the members of the winter school.
[Members attending WS'98.]

From left to right: Peter, Darko, Poul, Thomas, Jasbir, Ricardo, Jonas, Henrik, Patrik, Rolf, Tatiana, Vesselin, Chittaranjan, Morgan, Pere and Jingtao.

The two speakers.

Dr. Rolf Drechsler and Dr. Henrik Esbensen

The little mermaid.
[The little mermaid.]

Who's got my head?

Within the Kadet complex.
[Nice day to move around.]

Nice day!

Fine sculpture.

In the garden near the harbour.

Queen's palace.
[Queen's palace.]

A touch of Danish royalty.

Your comments are welcome.