The 80x86 Assembly Language Programming Page, is the only great source of information on the WEB that has lots of Assembly Language information that every Assembly programmer has been looking for. Ever looked up "Assembly Language" on any search engine? Well, I have, and you know what, you can't find a thing. Well, there might me some things, line "The Art Of Assembly Language Programming" book that you can get for FREE in .pdf form, anything else is useless. I used to be into Game Programming, but for the lack of Assembly Game Progamming info like the VGA and Pixel stuff, is impossible to find these days, for some reason most of today's programmers have moved onto a better programming language known as C/C++? Hell no! C nor C++ can not compete with Assembly language. I have read that applications such as Data Bases are better when written in C/C++, but, can you even write a decent TSR with C/C++ that's less than 4K? Nope! I don't even know if TSRs are possible with C/C++.
Okay, I've seen many great C/C++ demos and games out there, but once again, how fast are they without the Assembly instructions, such as accessing Mode13h, plot- ting pixels, doing the pallete or a procedure for vertical retrace, well, these things are very much possible and are doable, but, with Assembly language, these things are much faster (if you know how to present the code). Using Assembly language lets you program with the hardware's point of view, that is, you can do anything you want with your hardware by using the Assembly language. From my point of view Assembly language is the BEST, so don't try to tell me that it's not, because I've been there before with C programming language, but I can't blame it, because without it I don't think that I would have been programming with Assembly, C got me started on the basics, such as loops, variables, expressions, etc., I would suggest everyone who is been wanting to learn Assembly to be aware of some previous language before starting Assembly.

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Last updated Feb. 10, 1998

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