to my new Personal Homepage.
Phew ! Finally done after weeks of brainstorming on it. I
guess this should be the fourth edition since I first started
making my personal homepage. So, what do you think about this
edition ? Why don't you tell me. Here ! Fill this
Why having this homepage ? Yeah, yeah , I'd figure you'll ask this
question. So here's my answer.
Firstly, I like (I don't love it yet) designing homepages.
There's been quite a number of them I'd made. Check them out
at the GALLERY.
Secondly, I want to tell people about me and my friends. Oftenly,
when I get on to IRC, people asked me for my homepage
address. I guess this should answer their question.
Lastly, I am lazy to introduce myself on the IRC. Maybe that
is why you are here now. ( Hey You ! Yeah You ! Checking out
on me ? *grin* )