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Registry Editor for Windows CE (SH chipset only)

This is Registry Editor for Windows CE 1.0. This version is not complited and has only few operations:

1. browse
2. delete a key
3. delete a value
4. edit a string value
5. edit a DWORD value

I am in process to add other features. But for many purposes enouth those operations, so you can use it.

And one more - Registry Editor has NO UNDO operation. Be very careful to change something.

To install registry editor for WCE simply download this file regedit.tmp, copy it into your HPC and rename into regedit.exe.

Download regedit.exe (size: 19,968 ; last update 07/29/98) - only browse, delete and edit string and DWORD value abilities are implemented.

Unfortunatelly, I've checked this program only on HP 320LX, so I have no idea how it looks like on others.
But now you can download the source code and try to build it and/or to change it.

Download (size: 28,918; last update 07/29/98)

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Last page update 31-Aug-1998