Look here for a 16M color gradient of the logo.

AMUSE - AMiga Users Society Eastside is an Amiga users group that meets in Bellevue, WA on
        the third Saturday of every month.  We meet at the Bellevue Regional Library  at
        2:00 PM.  The meetings usually run for 2 to 3 hours.  The Bellevue Library is at
        1111 110th Ave N.E., Bellevue, WA.

        The purpose of our group is to share information about the Amiga computers.  This
        is accomplished by demonstations of different hardware and software,  as well as
        by helping each other with any problems we may have.


Click on figure for information.

Check out our BBS at 1-206-282-1198.

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This site was generated exclusively on an Amiga A4000 computer.
The Amuse logo was created by Robert Iacullo.
This site was last upated on 07/07/97.

Send comments and suggestions to: sturm@ricochet.net