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Hi, my name is Nicole Kneller and my name is Danielle Kneller


Here we are after just arriving here with mommy, grandma and grandpa.


This is our room and we would like to thankyou for visiting. Come in and play


with us. We have lots of toys . We also like to play alot of games. This is


when mommy and Dani were playing our favorite game, noses. Sometimes


daddy and us play too, but mostly we just like to be held . One game that


we like to play most of all is dress up . That is Joanne holding us. We like her,


she's nice. Here we are when we were just little babies . Now we are big




A big day in our lives was on November 21, 1999, our baptism .


Nicole's Godparents are Steve and Nancy Becker. Danielle's Godparents are


Steve and Becca Jaeb. They are nice grownups, we love them.


After a long busy day of playing there is nothing better than a nap on a safe


and loving shoulder.


I hope you had fun .


Bye Bye.                                                                         


updated 3/5/02


Gemstone Graphics © 2000