Luis E. Amaya

I was a graduate student at the Coordinated Science Laboratory and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, working with Professor Philip T. Krein.
My thesis work was on CAD tools for IC design and synthesis of power converters.

Now that I graduated I guess I will have time to make a pretty homepage. In the meantime my number one activity is looking for a job. If you have something for me, you may want to see my resume, which is available here, in different formats.

If you can view postscript files, you can look at a long, or a short version of my chronological resume, as well as a functional resume. You can read an ascii version of it, if you prefer. Last updated Jul 1998

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Luis E. Amaya \\ 1001 N. Randolph St. #907 \\
Arlington, VA 22201 \\ USA