Training received while employed from 1976 - 1994 by ;
Hitachi Data Systems ( National Advanced Systems, ITEL Europe Corporation )
Blvd. Souverain 100
1170 Bruxelles Belgium
EX50 100 series CPU, compatible to IBM's 3090 series
MLPF which is equivalent to IBM's PR/SM control system
EX/CF a remote systems control of CPU functions
ESCON IBM's fiber optic channel including IBM's 9032 and 9033 ESCON directors
79803 and 7390 disk units which are compatible to IBM's 39903 and 3390 disk units
7480 and 7490 cassette units which are compatible
to IBM's 3480 and 3490 cassette units
AS/5000 series CPU, compatible to IBM's 3031 series at NatSemi's factory in the USA
AS/6600 series CPU, compatible to IBM's 4361 series
AS/8000 series CPU, compatible to IBM's 3033 series
78803 and 7380 disk units which are compatible to IBM's 38803 and 3380 disk units
7900 solid state disk unit
Followed software introduction courses to IBM's MVS and VM operating systems
Followed software courses on IBM assemble
AS/5 series CPU manufactered by NatSemi which are compatible to IBM's 148/158 series CPU
7880 and 7330 disk units compatible to IBM's 3880 and 3330 disk units
Add on memory for IBM cpu's series 370/145
and 158