Training received while employed from 1976 - 1994 by ;

Hitachi Data Systems ( National Advanced Systems, ITEL Europe Corporation )

Blvd. Souverain 100

1170 Bruxelles Belgium

­ EX50 ­ 100 series CPU, compatible to IBM's 3090 series

­ MLPF which is equivalent to IBM's PR/SM control system

­ EX/CF a remote systems control of CPU functions

­ ESCON IBM's fiber optic channel including IBM's 9032 and 9033 ESCON directors

­ 7980­3 and 7390 disk units which are compatible to IBM's 3990­3 and 3390 disk units

­ 7480 and 7490 cassette units which are compatible to IBM's 3480 and 3490 cassette units

­ AS/5000 series CPU, compatible to IBM's 3031 series at NatSemi's factory in the USA

­ AS/6600 series CPU, compatible to IBM's 4361 series

­ AS/8000 series CPU, compatible to IBM's 3033 series

­ 7880­3 and 7380 disk units which are compatible to IBM's 3880­3 and 3380 disk units

­ 7900 solid state disk unit

­ Followed software introduction courses to IBM's MVS and VM operating systems

­ Followed software courses on IBM assemble language

­ AS/5 series CPU manufactered by NatSemi which are compatible to IBM's 148/158 series CPU

­ 7880 and 7330 disk units compatible to IBM's 3880 and 3330 disk units

­ Add on memory for IBM cpu's series 370/145 and 158