include file the lens effects include file the lens effects include file the lens effects include file the lens effects include file the lens effects
file the lens effects include file the lens effects include file the lens effects include file the lens effects include file the lens effects include
the lens effects include file the lens effects include file the lens effects include file the lens effects include file the lens effects include file
the lens effects include file the lens effects include file the lens effects include file the lens effects include file the lens effects include file |
what does it do?
The Lens Effects include file lets you add a range of effects to any POV-Ray scene, including lens flares, candle glows, sparkles, stars, etc.
Features of the file include:
- Choose from 19 predefined effect types
- Create custom lens effects by combining glows, rays, streaks, and spots (over 5800 unique combinations)
- Fine-tune all aspects of a lens effect with many options
- Make lens effects dissappear behind any object in your scene
- Use animation options such as flickering and jittering
the lens effects include file the lens effects include file the lens effects include file the lens effects include file the lens effects include file |
sure, but how does it look?
Select an image for the full-size animation or still rendering:
the lens effects include file the lens effects include file the lens effects include file the lens effects include file the lens effects include file |
so where can i get it?
Download LNSEFCTS.ZIP (30 Kb) and extract it to a temporary directory.
The file includes the Lens Effects include file, full HTML documentation, and sample scenes, animations, and custom lens effects for you to render.
the lens effects include file the lens effects include file the lens effects include file the lens effects include file the lens effects include file |
Website design, text, and graphics © 1999 - 2000, Chris Colefax